
running mysqlbinlog on other server

When I "playback" the statments from binary, the Load data statment fails for obvious reason. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/SQL_MB-80-2' REPLACE INTO TABLE some_table How do I make sure that the data is consistent even if I run the extract of the binary files onto a different server? ...

MySQL BinLog Statement Retrieval

I have seven 1G MySQL binlog files that I have to use to retrieve some "lost" information. I only need to get certain INSERT statements from the log (ex. where the statement starts with "INSERT INTO table SET field1="). If I just run a mysqlbinlog (even if per database and with using --short-form), I get a text file that is several hun...

Coldfusion problem with mySQL binary logging?

I just tried adding binary logging to my mySQL "my.ini" file with the intention of being able to do incremental backups. However, I immediately provoked an error Binary logging not possible. Message: Transaction level 'READ-COMMITTED' in InnoDB is not safe for binlog mode 'STATEMENT' CF 9.01, mySQL 5.1, on an Win XP developm...

Searching MySQL Bin Log for a Query

Is it possible to query the mysql bin log for a particular query? For example, suppose I want to know if anyone in the last hour did a specific query (like 'Update tableX where userName = 'bob'"). I just want to see if a particular query has been run recently..... ...