
What could cause a .NET WinForms app to close suddently without a dialog?

Our WinForms application has been reported to occasionally just close on its own. It neither shows our own crash error submit dialog nor Windows' error submit dialog, it just closes and is gone, often when the person was afk and not doing anything with the application. It seems to be a semi-rare occurrence, maybe like 2-3 times a month...

Pointer mysteriously resetting to NULL

Hi everyone, I'm working on a game and I'm currently working on the part that handles input. Three classes are involved here, there's the ProjectInstance class which starts the level and stuff, there's a GameController which will handle the input, and a PlayerEntity which will be influenced by the controls as determined by the GameContr...

iPhone SDK: POSTing NSData with NSMutableURLRequest results in mysterious crash

I'm seeing a crash that happens 10 or 20 seconds after a POST request I make has finished (didReceiveResponse, didReceiveData and connectionDidFinishLoading all fire well before the crash happens). This is the code I'm using to make the request: NSURL* url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:urlString]; [urlString release]; NSData* reques...

Why can't RSS handle the Ampersand?

This is something I've been wondering for a while now. I'll occasionally come across an RSS feed that is broken, and blown to pieces all because line 23 say "Sanford & Sons." The most confusing thing is the fact that if you convert the & into &, all is well, even though your alternative still contains the problem-char! Please somebo...

PHP CASE statement not working with ZERO values.

I don't understand what's happening here. Logically, it doesn't make any sense to me. <?php $level = 0; switch ($level) { case $level > 80: $answer = 'high'; break; case $level > 60: $answer = 'moderate-to-high'; break; case $level > 40: $answer = 'moderate'; break; case $level > 20: $answer = 'low-to-moderate'; break; defau...

Why is json behaving in this weird manner?

Is there any reserve words for JSON as a KEY? my Json structure is dimObject{String:String} finalObject(String:dimObject} Line1# JSONObject dimObject=new JSONObject() Line2# dimObject.put("class",["A","B","c"]); Line3# dimObject.put("name",["sam"]); Line4# System.out.print("dimObject#"+dimObject.toString()); Line5# JSONObject finalOb...

sporadic ASP.NET data error: "Cannot find table 0"

Having deployed a new build of an ASP.NET site in a production environment, I am logging dozens of data errors every second, almost always with the error "Cannot find table 0." We use datasets and frequently refer to Table[0], and while I understand the defensive coding practice of checking the dataset for tables before accessing Table[...

Java MessageDigest result does not stay constant

I've got this function for encrypting passwords in Java, but somehow when I call MessageDigest, it returns a different result every time even though I call it with the same password. I wonder if I am initializing it wrong somehow. public String encrypt (String password) { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); md...

Why do I get this strange output behavior?

I have the following program #include <iostream> unsigned char bogus1[] = { // Changing # of periods (0x2e) changes output after periods. 0x2e, 0x2e, 0x2e, 0x2e }; unsigned int bogus2 = 1816; // Changing this value changes output. int main() { std::clog << bogus1; } I build it with: g++ -g -c -o test.o; g++ -s...

Mysterious Redirect in Rails

HI all, I have a problem with getting an unexpected 302 redirect in my rails app where after calling a controller method which has an associated view (the controller has no redirects or renders), in the development.log file we see a 302 redirect (not in the routes file) and we get redirected from the advanced_search method to the index ...

Strangest Thing Ever: Core Location staying active even when app is not running

This afternoon I walked my iPhone 4 into the Apple Store to see if they could help with a problem I've been having. Battery life hasn't been AT ALL what it should be--the battery drops 50% sitting on my desk overnight. Crazy. So I suspect I've got a bum unit. Happens. No biggie. My friendly genius pokes around my phone a bit, and points...

What is opencounter and why is my client trying to use it in a bulk email?

My company send a LOT of bulk email for clients. And yes, we follow all the best practice protocols to ensure we're not spammers. The system is proprietary, based on open source code. Customers have a GUI to enter content, similar to the big guys like MailChimp and the like. A staff member brought a UI challenge with the GUI to me, u...