
How to Solve N-Queens Problem in Scheme?

Hi, I'm stuck on the extended exercise 28.2 of How to Design Programs. Here is the link to the question: http://www.htdp.org/2003-09-26/Book/curriculum-Z-H-35.html#node_chap_28 I used a vector of true or false values to represent the board instead of using a list. This is what I've got which doesn't work: #lang Scheme (define-struc...

8-Queens algorithm example?

Anybody knows good/concise algorithm example for 8-queens? I googled and did not find any good example. ...

Matlab N-Queen Problem

main.m counter = 1; n = 8; board = zeros(1,n); back(0, board); disp(counter); sol.m function value = sol(board) for ( i = 1:(length(board))) for ( j = (i+1): (length(board)-1)) if (board(i) == board(j)) value = 0; return; end if ((board(i) - board(j)) == (i-j)) value = 0; ...