
Synchronizing reading and writing with synchronous NamedPipes

A Named Pipe Server is created with hPipe = CreateNamedPipe( zPipePath, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT | PIPE_READMODE_BYTE, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT, NULL) Then we immediately call...

Select on a named pipe

Is there a way to do a select() on a named pipe in win32? I want to have it block on the ReadFile call, but for only a few seconds, then if no data was received do some other work. ...

Backup using Smo library, trying to use Pipe instead of File to save the data i get from MS SQL

my only problem is that Im trying to save the data i get from the MS SQL when I call the backup function using Pipe ! I dont want to save it as File , I can use VirtualDevice too , but i found NOTHING about both of them online ! some say that Pipe is not used anymore , any suggestions ? or alternatives ? I dont want to use this code: B...

Non-Blocking File IO in Java..

I want to write to a named pipe (already created) without blocking on the reader. My reader is another application that may go down. If the reader does go down, I want the writer application to neep writing to the named pipe. Something like a fopen(fPath, O_NONBLOCK) in Java. So that when the reader comes up, it may resume from where it ...

GLE 997:Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.

This post is related to my Previous Post. There I was creating the PipeServer and Client as two separate programme and was trying to write to the server and getting a response back.And the programme was going to an infinite loop. So for the sake of simplicity I combined both the Client and Server into a Single programme and run. Now I a...

NamedPipes throwing an exception in windows service

I have created a windows service which allows communications via namedpipes. This code worked fine when I wrote some unit tests to spin up the pipes and test the communication, but now I have installed the same code in my windows service I get the following error: Exception Info: System.IO.IOException Stack: at System.IO.__Erro...