
Do you need to release parameters of methods at the end of them in Objective-C?

If I have a parameter passed to a method, do I need to release the parameter at the end of the method? ...

Objective C memory leaking

Hi everyone, I'm creating one Cocoa application for myself and I found a problem. I have two NSTextFields and they're connected to each other as nextKeyViews. When I run this app with memory leaks detection tool and tab through those 2 textboxes for a while, enter some text etc., I start to leak memory. It shows me that the AppKit librar...

Why release the NSURLConnection instance in this statement?

I read this in a book. -(IBAction) updateTweets { tweetsView.text = @""; [tweetsData release]; tweetsData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init]; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"" ]; NSURLRequest *request = [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL: url]; NSURLConnection *connectio...

Beyond NARC: When to retain, when to assign, when to copy

I finally understand whether I must release an object, and how to keep my retain counts as low as possible in a trivial application (by knowing whether the object comes back with an extra 'retain' already called or not). So the NARC rules are working pretty well in that regard. On the other hand, I can't wrap my head around whether to r...