
SQL Native Client, linked server error Only on Deletes

We are using a SQL Native Client to connect to a local SQL Server 2005 from a Boarland application. It will fine for selects, inserts, and updates. When we delete we get the error: Could not find server 'SERVERNAME\SQLEXPRESS' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored ...

Do SQL Native Client connections need to be reopened after a complete failure of the principal server in a mirrored env?

Hi, I have a connectionstring as below... DRIVER=SQL NATIVE CLIENT;SERVER=TCP:NYAVDEVINTDCDB1,5550; FAILOVER_PARTNER=TCP:NYAVDEVINTDCDB2,5550;DATABASE=DMINTDC; TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;POOLING=TRUE; Do SQL Native Clients using this cxn String have to perform a reconnect when the NYAVDEVINTDCDB1 server gets completely disconnected/ loses...