
Multiple threads stuck in native calls (Java)

I have a problem with an application running on Fedora Core 6 with JDK 1.5.0_08. After some amount of uptime (usually some days) threads begin getting stuck in native methods. The threads are locked in something like this: "pool-2-thread-2571" prio=1 tid=0x08dd0b28 nid=0x319e waiting for monitor entry [0xb91fe000..0xb91ff7d4] at java....

What is native implementation in Java

If we look at the Java Object class then we can find some of the methods like public native int hashCode(), protected native Object clone(), so my question is what are these natives and how do these methods work? ...

TestDriven.NET and native C Library

I am working on a C# application that makes calls to a native Windows C dll. We use TestDriven.NET with xUnit for testing. The problem is, whenever we run unit tests that use the C library (which we did not write), and then try to build afterwards, there is a build error about how the library is being used by another process. To fix i...

Overwriting Native Methods in Javascript

I'm doing some analysis of some Javascript and I want to keep javascript enabled, but disable all alert() boxes and self.location redirects. Currently I'm using a regex proxy, but that seems like overkill. I can override some native methods but not others in Firefox i.e. window.alert = function('') { return null; } alert('test!') // w...

Finding a process from Java

In Java or via some Eclipse plugin, is it possible to find a process by name without dropping down to native code? Specifically, I want to determine if a web browser is running and let the user know they may need to restart the browser. I know native code is always an option but I want to avoid setting up another JNI library if I can av...

C# Implement Late Binding for Native Code

We are working with an existing native application (most likely written in VB) that loads assemblies and calls methods with "Late Binding." We do NOT have access to its source code. We want to implement this interface in C#, and have the native application call our C# assembly. Is this something that's possible? Is this anything we h...

Android - How to enable CheckJni for NDK development?

Hi. Can someone please tell me if I'm missing something here? I am trying the following commands in shell. $ ./adb shell stop $ ./adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.checkjni true $ ./adb shell start But Logcat always shows "CheckJNI is OFF" when I install the apk onto the device.. Is there something else in eclipse that I need to do to enabl...

How to import a class from default package

Possible Duplicate: How to access java-classes in the default-package? I am using Eclipse 3.5 and I have created a project with some package structure along with the default package. I have one class in default package - and I want to make the use of that class in any of the package (for instance in

How to retrieve the file previews used by windows explorer in Windows vista and seven?

I am developing a Delphi documents management application, so somehow I am giving the user some functionality similar to windows explorer. I would like to know if there is a way to get the preview used by windows explorer. For example windows explorer creates a small thumbnail for a pdf document for example, and displays it when the use...

call VB 6 function from Java

I'm using JACOB to call VB function from dll file the function on VB : VARIANT_BOOL GetGeneralLogDataStr([in] LONG dwMachineNumber, [out] LONG* dwEnrollNumber, [out] LONG* dwVerifyMode, [out] LONG* dwInOutMode, [out] BSTR *TimeStr); I try to call it with java : Dispatch dispatch = new Dispatch("zkemkeeper.ZKEM.1"); Long a = new Lon...