
How to render text in C (android)?

Hi experts, I am developing a program drawing text on screen using android NDK in C native code. Could you please tell me how do I render the text? Thank you. Best regards Michael ...

Android native code profiling..

I am trying to profile native android code, but I am getting the following error.I am running the code on a linux machine. $tracedmdump profile post-processing traces... Static basic blocks: 64525, Dynamic basic blocks: 87073132 Static instructions: 412004, Dynamic instructions: 509641730 Elapsed seconds: 26...

native UDP implementation for android

I'm trying to use native implementation of UDP server/client on Android, I'm using JNI to access the native code from java. The code was tested successfully on Android 1.5 (HTC Hero) but when I tried to run the same application on Android 2.1 (HTC Legend) I got "Stack Corruption Detected" every time I received a packet bigger than 32 by...

How to get a full path name from SHBrowseForFolder using JNative under Windows?

Hi, i am not a windows programmer so maybe (i hope) this question is ridiculous for a windows-veteran java programmer. I would like to use windows' native folder browser dialog from within a java application. I actually succeeded in invoking the SHBrowseForFolder dialog which is nice - the problem i am now facing is: How do i extract th...

Call native code specified at runtime

I'm developing an application that will allow users to call external code from both managed and native .dlls. The users will be able to specify what library/method/function to call at runtime (it will be stored in a configuration file). I know how to do this using pinvoke for native libraries if I know what dll/function I want to call ...

Is coding in native c++ still popular?

I want to go into native c++ programming after University, but it seems like languages that compile with JIT (like .Net) are overtaking c++. What does the future hold for Native code? ...

Applying javascript to website with appcelerator titanium

I'm try to use accelerator Titanium to add native commands to a webapp. I'm changing the window location to an external website like this: window.location =; I want to bind events on that website. $('a').click(function () { alert('clicked'); }); The site has jquery loaded, the index.html...

Debugging both, native (ANSI C DLL) and managed (C# Assembly) code.

Hello, I'm having some troubles debugging a solution which contains both a native ANSI C DLL project and a managed C#/WPF application project. I call the functions exported by the DLL using the LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress Win32 API functions (DllImport attribute is not applicable for my program as the DLL is selected by the user). Both ...

What does the native keyword do ?

Give a whole implementation in Java with examples and requirements for native methods ...

Field's value of native query in JPA

Dear members, How to get value of some fields in a native query (JPA)? For example I want to get name and age of customer table: Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT name,age FROM customer WHERE id=..."); Note: I don't want to map results to entities. I just want to get the value of the field. Thanks ...

Is there a solid .Net wrapper for the Managed Wifi Win32 API?

Hi -- Has anyone developed (either as open source or as a reasonably-priced commercial offering) a .Net implementation of the Win32 Native Wifi API? Or does anyone here know of such a thing? I've done about an hour and a half of spelunking on Google, MSDN, and here, and haven't found anything. If I've missed something ...

JNI - UnsatisfiedLinkError - loadLibrary always fails

I am attempting to get a simple JNI example working, but no matter what I do, I cannot get it to work using the loadLibrary command. It works perfectly if I specify the absolute path of the .so file and use System.load instead of System.loadLibrary. Here is my directory tree: . |-- - |-- TranslatorWrapper.c |-- TranslatorWrapper.class...

Android - failure on loading library

I have a similar problem to this question, but slightly different. I have compiled a .so library to use with JNI. Because it is large (15 MB), I am putting it on the SDCard instead of in the standard application place. The file is called and it's located at /data/library/ I load it in a static initialization ...

Debugging Visual Studio 2010 DLL Project

I'm trying to debug a C/C++ native DLL project from Visual Studio 2010. I'm attempting to follow these instructions: I want to use the built-in debugger and be able to step code, examine structures, etc. as I would do with a regular .exe project. The instructions on the pag...

Does Python have a cross-platform GUI toolkit that uses native widgets?

Python has many GUI toolkits. If I understand correctly, these toolkits typically take on the responsibility of rendering their own widgets (rather than relying on the operating system). This achieves cross-platform support at the cost of having widgets that don't necessarily look, feel and behave exactly like their native counterparts. ...

How can i access a file (say .xml) from a native code,invoked from an android activity class, where do i need to place that XML file?

Hi, I am trying out an example of OpenCV from and am stuck at the point where it is mentioned "Before attempting to run the VideoEmulator application, you must first copy this XML file into the emulator in the following location: /data/data/org.siprop.opencv/files/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xm...

Writing a DLL in C/C++ for .Net interoperability

In my C# application, I would like to write a part of the code in C. I plan to write a DLL witch would be interoperable with .Net. How can I do that? ...

Adding icons to nativemenu items in air application

hi I have a native menu with items and it is displayed as a pop up menu, i would like to add icons to the native menu items in an air application using flex3. How can i do that? Thanks in advance. bagi ...

File sharing between android and opencv

Hi, I am trying to invoke opencv library from my android code. I previously stored my haar xml under the /data/data/org.siprop.opencv/files/ directory and passed this file path (i.e. /data/data/org.siprop.opencv/files/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml) to the opencv library. This xml was successfully read by the opencv code. But I noti...

Need to create ChartObject in PowerPoint based on the C# chart control

Hello! I'm creating a variety of graphs within my application which are based on the .Net Chart control (using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting). What I'm trying to do is to allow users to copy these charts to Power Point in the "native" format, i.e. to enable them to paste special in PP and see "Microsoft Office Graphic ...