
Can I write SQL using speech recognition?

I have wrist pain when I type and I would like to start writing SQL statements, stored procedure, and views using speech recognition. ...

Does Vista Voice Recognition engine have scripting like Naturally Speaking?

Title says it all. I want to have an action performed whenever the user (while using Vista voice recognition) says "Wingbats are crazy!". How do I do this? Is there scripting or is there a dll to tie into? ...

Connecting to Naturally Speaking through SAPI 4 interface, possible?

I read somewhere that you can interface to Naturally Speaking through the SAPI 4 interface it exports? Is this true and is there any documentation? Thanks ...

Does Naturally Speaking have a "show numbers" command like WSR?

Why doesn't Naturally Speaking have this command? You would think they would have released it by now. WSR is much better because of this. ...

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Programmers

Is there anyway to encorporate Dragon NaturallySpeaking into an event driven program? My boss would really like it if I used DNS to record user voice input without writing it to the screen and saving it directly to XML. I've been doing research for several days now and I can not see a way for this to happen without the (really expensive)...

Alternative to Natlink

I need to create a speech recognition program where a user can speak into a microphone and have the program continuously recognize the speech event and return a results object with audio, time stats, the transcription and more along those lines. Like the ResObj in Natlink. Unfortunately, due to system incompatibilities, Natlink is not an...