
NCommon Newbie Help

I'm writing this Console app to try out NCommon. The code below doesn't get me anything back. (This is using AdventureWorks db.) class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ISessionFactory factory = SessionProvider.CreateSessionFactory(); Store.Application.Set("NHibernateSessionFactory", factory); ...

How to implement correctly IUserType?

I need to create a custom type for NHibernate by writing a new mapper class that implements IUserType. While it is relatively straightforward to override most of the methods and properties, I get some difficulties to understand how to deal correctly with the following members: object Assemble(object cached, object owner); object DeepCo...

NCommon - resources, documentation

Hi. I like NCommon project, but the lack of resources and documentation makes it very hard to use. Does anyone of you know some good resources, examples...? I figured out some basic setting, like Repository Pattern etc. But i'm completly lost i.e. with "NCommon.Rules". Thank you. ...

Any Alternatives to NCommon?

I like the way NCommon saves me from dealing with all the plumbing required to do DDD with NHibernate. I like it so much that it I am seriously considering it to be part of my default architecture in new projects. I'd like to ask if there are other DDD alternatives (aside from coding from scratch) to what NCommon does. Thanks. ...

NCommon - changes in 1.1

I updated my NCommon version to 1.1. It looks like there are breaking changes. What happened to: the Store container class? the NHRepository constructor that accepts an ISession? How should I modify my code to address these changes? ...

DDD - Enity Framework 4 and ncommon

I'm trying to get EF4 working with ncommon 1.1 which provides DDD patterns such as UnitOfWork, Specification, Repository. The NCommon configuration line is throwing the following Exception: SynchronizationLockException occurred Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block of code. The actual code throwing the...