
Tool for generation MSDN-like documentation from <summary> tags?

Does anyone know any tool like NDoc that could generate MSDN-like documentation out of XML comments in the C# code? I need it for .NET 3.5 and C#. Sandcastle maybe? Thanks. ...

HelpInsight documentation in Delphi 2007

I am using D2007 and am trying to document my source code, using the HelpInsight feature (provided since D2005). I am mainly interested in getting the HelpInsight tool-tips working. From various Web-surfing and experimentation I have found the following: Using the triple slash (///) comment style works more often than the other docum...

Code documentation: How much is too much?

How much code documentation in your .NET source is too much? Some background: I inherited a large codebase that I've talked about in some of the other questions I've posted here on SO. One of the "features" of this codebase is a God Class, a single static class with >3000 lines of code encompassing several dozen static methods. It's eve...

.NET xml docs - inheriting documentation

NDoc has an XML element inheritdoc which allows you to inherit documentation of a member from the parent class (or an implemented interface). However, Visual Studio (i.e. the C# compiler) does not understand this tag and complains about the documentation not being present or complete. So does StyleCop and some other tools. Is there an al...

Anyone using nDoc or a similar tool to help with system documentation?

I'm looking at a few tools to help improve my documentation process, and nDoc came up during a discussion with another developer. Any suggestions or tools you might recommend? ...

NDoc syntax highlighting for CODE block (tag)

I use NDoc 1.3.1 to generate documentation in VS .NET 2003, framework v1.1. For the following block /// <example> /// <code lang="C#" escaped="true"> /// try /// { /// // ... /// } /// catch (Exception ex) /// { /// // ... /// } /// </code> /// </example> in the code file, NDoc produces the contents in the <code> block formatte...

.Net Reflection Issue with Methods

I've used NDoc for quite a while now using a customised build (i.e. slightly bug-fixed build) of NDoc Enhanced (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndoc-e/) but I've run into a strange issue with methods that have parameters which themselves take generic parameters. For example anything that has a Dictionary as a parameter where the type pa...

How to force ndoc completely ignore a type?

I need to build a chm file as assembly documentation, but for some reason i want to leave several types outside of the doc file.How to force ndoc to ignore them? i use ndocconsole.exe tool for generation.Stripping the info from generated xml doc file doesn't work, i think it grabs the info from assembly directly(u have to specify it in c...

Is SandCastle a dead project ?

Microsoft killed NDoc when they released a CTP/Beta version of Sandcastle. And I rarely see information about new version of a usable version of sandcastle (with an integrated UI for example). The latest realease is the May 2008 release. Is Sandcastle a dead project or will it be included with Visual Studio 2010 ? ...

Documentation with NDOC3

I am working on a project documentation using NDOC3. The build fails when trying to document 3rd party DLLs (because I do not have the xml documentation for them). How could I address this issue ? ...

What Are Best Practices For Documenting C# code with XML comments?

I'm going through some new code I just wrote and adding NDoc sytle comments to my classes and methods. I'm hoping to generate a pretty good MSDN style document for reference. In general, what are some good guidelines when writing comments for a class and for a method? What should the NDoc comments say? What should they not say? I find ...