
Can I indicate to clients that SPNEGO is supported but NTLM is not for HTTP requests?

The two WWW-Authenticate additions Microsoft makes use of that I am currently aware of are NTLM Negotiate If Negotiate is sent down from the server, based on a set of conditions Kerberos will be used Intranet Zone Accessing the server using a Hostname rather then IP Integrated Windows Authentication in IE is enabled, the host is tr...

WCFTestClient The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'

I've created one WCF service and deployed it on Server. When I browse this service it gives me positive response with ?wsdl URL. Now I'm trying to test the service through WCF Test client. It shows proper metadata. But when I try to invoke any of the method from the service it shows me an exception... here are the erro details with stack...

How to get NegotiateStream to use Kerberos?

After asking this question, I've been trying to use NegotiateStream to authenticate a Windows client against a Java server. It seems that Java doesn't have great NTLM library support, so I've been working on the assumption that I'd have to use Kerberos, which Java seems to support much better (via the GSS-API). The problem is that Nego...

configuring kerberose-sso-negotiate in multiple domains

hi all I have,, domains (it is all windows) I am configuring sso-kerberose-negotiate authentication My server running in, I have created spn "http:/" for it, and I have set trusts between domains, but if users from, domains that bro...

WinInet: How to override Internet Explorer's EnableNegotiate setting?

Our application uses WinInet to download data from a web server that supports Windows Authentication (Negotiate). However, when Internet Explorer's Windows Authentication setting is disabled, we only get an HTTP 401 - Unauthorized error. Both .NET's WebClient and the newer WinHTTP don't show this behaviour, but they are not a feasible o...