
Forward declaration of nested types/classes in C++

I recently got stuck in a situation like this: class A { public: typedef struct/class {...} B; ... C::D *someField; } class C { public: typedef struct/class {...} D; ... A::B *someField; } Usually you can declare a class name: class A; But you can't forward declare a nested type, the following causes compilation er...

wpf: design time error while writing Nested type in xaml

I have created a usercontrol which accept type of enum and assign the values of that enum to a ComboBox control in that usercontrol. Very Simple. I am using this user control in DataTemplates. Problem comes when there comes nested type. I assign that using this notation EnumType="{x:Type myNamespace:ParentType + NestedType}" It wor...

Alternative to nested type of type Expression<Func<T>>

I have a function used when calling a service. Before it call the service, it will create a log entry: protected TResult CallService<TService, TResult>(TService service, Expression<Func<TService, TResult>> functionSelector) { Logger.LogServiceCall(service, functionSelector); return functionSelector.Compile()(service); } Th...