
Where can we configure WCF parameters for WCF RIA services?

Wrt WCF RIA services. Where & How can we configure WCF parameters like message size, response timeout, transport protocol etc? I am trying to WCF RIA services(PDC09 build) with Silverlight 3.0. I have tried searching but that didnt help much. Any pointers will be greatly helpful. ...

Silverlight 3 with RIA Services - Blank Result Sets/Load Finished

I've been desperately trying for about the last week to figure out whatever my disconnect is that I can't wrap my head around RIA Services. I've meticulously followed the example shown in the Microsoft tutorial video and I'm still having problems. It may be that I'm trying to do something you can't, but in all likelihood I'm just going a...

RIA Services and Relationships in Silverlight 3

I've finally managed to get a handle on loading information using Silverlight, ADO.NET Entities, and RIA Services, but I'm still having a problem with getting the information about the relationships. For instance, imagine a product, and that product has several categories of attributes. We'll call them ProductAreas. The Product object...

Repository-UoW, EF POCO, RIA Services, ASP MVC & Sliverlight cooperation possible?

I 'm beginning a new web project and was wondering if i could benefit from the "magical" things RIA service can offer, but in a way i was used to develop until now. This means i would like to architect the solution so that EF POCOs should be used, which are the basis for repositories (using IoC to resolve to concrete implementations), ...

RIA Services query: Nested "from" and include children

Hi guys, I have the following schema. What I'd like to do is to retrieve all customers (and children properties) from a selected StaffAssignment by StaffId. So I've written the following query: from c in ObjectContext.Customers.Include("Assignments.Activities") from a in c.Assignments from sa in a.Staff...

RIA Services for transmitting non DB object-graph

I have been getting into RIA services because I thought it would simplify dealing with the services layer of web applications I wish to build. I see lots of examples out there showing how to create DomainService classes which expose and consume entities that have some kind of relational database backing, and therefore have foreign-key re...

RadTabControl and MVVM

First, so you know, Silverlight 4 and VS 2010 both RC and RIA services. I'm also new to Silverlight... I have a page that has a Telerik RadTabControl on it. It will always have six tabs, i.e. the number of tabs is not data driven. The tabs are used for various admin functions. One tab for managing users with a grid and edit view, an...

very weird problem concerning date and time in silverlight + ria services

Hello Friends i'm facing a very weird problem in sliverlight 4 + RIA Services, or maybe it's not weird and i'm just a newbie anyway i hope someone here can help, the problem is the following i've created a function on the server side inside the domain service this function is very simple and has a line in it that adds the server current ...

Custom DataAnnotations with RIA Services

This is a word of warning more than a question, if you are using RIAServices with Custom ValidatorAttributes. Here is the Senario, I was creating a custom DataAnnotation that would validate a property based on whether or not a possible series of other properties had been set, such as; if Prop1 was 100 then Prop2, Prop3, or Prop4 could n...

Collection is empty when it arrives on the client

One of my entities has an EntitySet<> property with [Composition], [Include] and [Association] attributes. I populate this collection in my domain service but when I check its contents when it is received on the client, the collection is empty. I am using Silverlight 4 RTM as well as RIA Services 1.0 RTM. Any ideas what I am doing wron...

DomainContext sometimes still HasChanges after SubmitChanges completes

I have a very simple server model that includes a parent entity with a [Composition] list of child entities. In my client, I have 2 functions. One function removes all the child entities from the parent and the other removes all and also edits a property on the parent entity. When I simply remove all child entities and SubmitChanges(), ...

How to bind to current riacontext user in xaml

Hi. I Have a datacontext that has a "getuserbyguid" method, i want to pass in the current logged in user.userid as a parameter, but I don't know how to bind to the current logged in user through xaml. I've tried {Binding Path=User.UserId} but without any luck. I'm using the built in riaservices authentication methods, so the userinfo sho...

Silverlight dataGrid binding with ria Service doesn' work

hi every one i'm new to Silverlight and it's totally driving me crazy !! i'm using SL4 and trying to bind datagrid with a Domain Service Query: what i did exactly is i generate an entity model from my database, then create a domain Service class from this model. then in my page i put Datagrid & button. in the click event for ...

Why should I use MVVM when it breaks built in riaservices functionality

I'm struggling to grasp why MVVM is really a good pattern to implement in riaserivces, To me there's nothing but trouble to it, it just add's another tier that I have to code. I Get that I could change the UI, but really I don't need to. Instead i won't be able to user out of the box functionality with riaservices, datagrid, dataform all...

Expression Blend displaying error when creating sample data from an existing class.

When I try to create new sample data based on an existing type, I get the following error message: GetType cannot be called with null or empty typeName I tried restarting Expression Blend 4, but without any success. The type I am trying to use was generated by WCF RIA services, but suspect that shouldn't matter. I've used this feature...

debugging loadwith has subnodes in domainservice, but not when called in viewmodel

Hi, I'm trying to use the .LoadWith method I have these lines of code in my domainservice: public IEnumerable<Subject> GetSubjectList(Guid userid) { DataLoadOptions loadopts = new DataLoadOptions(); loadopts.LoadWith<Subject>(s => s.Notes); this.DataContext.LoadOptions = loadopts; ...

How to delete entity in Silverlight 4 using RIA and Entity Framework?

I'm working on a Silverlight 4 app using RIA and entity framework that is connecting to SQl Server 2008. I wrote a service method to delete some entities, I can step into the code and watch it execute on the two entities I expect to delete, but when I submitchanges the records don't delete. I'm using a DomainContext to excute the ...

Mixing RIA services and standard WCF services

Is it possible to have a mix of RIA WCF services and custom WCF services hosted in the same project? At the moment I have a server project hosting 2 RIA service classes, both of which work fine, and 1 WCF svc file, which loads up fine in the browser (e.g. http://localhost/services/service.svc) but when I access it through code in the Si...

OnSubmitted event

Hi. I have a silverlight 4 ria app, and I'd like to fire an event after entities have been submitted to the database. I thought that I could use the dataclassescontext methods like OnCreated() OnIdChanged() but they are called before submitted, and I only want to fire the event once a new entity is added to the db, and once an id chang...

Silverlight 4 RIA Services - select first entity from EntitySet

Hi, I'm working with Silverlight 4 on getting a single entity from an Entity Set. Doesn't sound hard?! Well, I simply can't get it working: myDomainContext dc = new OrgUnitTestDomainContext(); OrgUnit ou; ou=dc.OrgUnits[0]; //Error 1 The property or indexer 'System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.EntitySet.List' cannot be used in ...