
Create local backup when editing remote files via netrw in vim

I work with many files remotely using vim and the netrw plugin. I also keep timestamped backups by changing the &backupext (found in the documentation). While working in a remote file (scp://server//folder/file.txt), I noticed that when I save it, a backup isn't even being made. Is there a way I can have a backup automatically made loc...

MacVim and netrw - Press ENTER

Hey guys. I've set up MacVim to work with netrw for remote editing (yaaay!), but whenever I save a file, I get the following error: :!scp -q '/var/folders/PN/PNhWJAr5GGC0WfeLdFgWV++++TU/-Tmp-/v771493/0' 'remot_host:path/remote_file.css' Press ENTER or type command to continue Hitting ENTER removes it and I can edit again. I don't kn...

vim's netrw plugin show error message:"The system cannot find the file specified." when change remote directory via FTP

remote ftp server is microsoft ftp. so, i suspect that this is a bug. can anyone knows what happend? ...