
Netty vs Apache MINA

Pros/Cons of using either ? They both provide roughly the same functionality. Which should I choose to develop my high performance TCP server ? ...

Difference of HTTP Components, Restlet, Apache Mina and Netty

I used HTTPComponents to implement a custom web server that access SQLite database. Requests are sent via TCP/IP and I am using REST concepts. By the way my frontend is HTML/jQuery. I know it will be a lot easier if I'll just create a servlet but I am restricted to just using apache http server. I really don't get good performance in usi...

Is it worthy to migrate quickfixj from Mina to Netty?

Hi all, I am writing a FIX buyside GUI based on quickfixj. Although the performance is not an issue to a GUI, I am thinking of migrating the quickfixj from Mina to Netty as I would like to develop it to a buyside engine. The performance of quickfixj is not satisfied with me. It is heard that Netty is better than Mina on performance. Doe...

Java netty server getting timed out from client connection

We have a netty server running on a specific tcp port. Once in a while, we are getting time out from client connection at this port. But already connected clients have no problem transferring data in the mean time. What could be the problem and what steps can we take to troubleshoot this? The server has very low cpu/ram usage so I don't ...

Java netty can only take X number of request per second?

Java netty can only take X number of request per second? With the selector approach is it true that it can be a bottleneck in terms of serving request per second? We find that when the traffic is high, clients are unable to connect through, resulting in a time out. ...