
File.Exists returning false from a network share

I've been working on a ASP.NET project that is going to save uploaded files to a network share. I figured I could just use a virtual directory and be fine, but I have been struggling with permissions for Directory.CreateDirectory. I was able to upload files so I decided to change my code to place everything in a single directory, howev...

problem while running batch file that is present in the remote system

Hi, My requirement is that i need to run batch file that is present in remote system from local machine. i am having the following code. But it is giving the following error :Path not correct". I have the ip address of the machine, and i have given the batch file as public share and share name is dsc. ip address of the machine is 16.18...

Access network share from within VBScript eg FileSystemObject

Is there a good way to access network shares from within a VBS script, with alternative credentials (not the credentials with which the VBS script is running)? The intention is to perform two tasks: programmatically navigate a remote share file structure, in order to confirm that a couple of remote files exist, and copy one file over ...

Client copying from server to same server, without roundtrip?

This is inspired by Does File.Copy() from a network share to another share on the same machine copy the file over the network? Is it possible, in .NET, for a client to get the server to copy a server file to a different location on the same server without round tripping the file via the client? Is there any in-build support for this ki...

Win32: API calls to list available network shares on a server?

Assume I have access to a SMB server at IP, how can I determine the list of available shares? Windows Explorer can do it when I enter a UNC path \\\ - but command prompt "dir \\\" fails! I've tried the usual FindFirstFile/FindNext calls - which I use successfully to read the files and directories on each share, bu...

Execute ClickOnce application located on share, through HTTP?

Hi, i have a ClickOnce application (online only) which is deployed on a network share. People can run the application by creating a shortcut to i:\ApplicationDirectory\ApplicationName.application where i is the letter of the drive of the networkshare. I want to start the application over HTTP. For this, I need the .Application file to...

Access Windows Share under Network Service account

I have two computers with Windows Server 2003. One computer has some shared folders on the network, and the other has a Windows Service (written in C#, running under the Network Service account) that needs to access those shared folders. The following code works fine as a logged-in user, but throws an exception when executed under the N...

Read/Write a file from/to network folder/share using Python?

How to Write/Read a file to/from a network folder/share using python? The application will run under Linux and network folder/share can be a Linux/Windows System. Also, how to check that network folder/share has enough space before writing a file? What things should i consider? ...

Performance issue when moving of files on network shares

Hi, I'm writing an application which can copy files on a network share. Usually the files are moved on the same physical hard drive. If you test this with Windows Explorer, this operation will be executed really quickly. It seems, that Windows knows about the same location and does a real movement and not a copy and delete (which would ...

Batch file to change all network shares on computer

I need to change all shares of //foo to //bar in a batch file. Say i have R: //foo/foo and Z: //foo/bar I need to have a batch script that makes them R: //bar/foo and Z: //bar/bar Anyone have any idea how to do this? I'm thinking of looping through somehow with net use but that's as far as I've come. Will be researching myself as well ...