
How to make Haskell's Network.Browser do gzip compression?

Haskell's Network.Browser module seems to not do any compression. How can I configure it so that it does gzip compression assuming that the server supports it (or fall back to no compression if it doesn't) ? ...

Getting a Windows Service to run as a Network Service.

I have done some work developing a Windows Service and have had some success in doing so. I notice that some services run as the user Network Service. I wondered what the difference of behaviour is when running as this service. The service I am developing tracks logins and logouts and so it would be beneficial to try and have the serv...

get client IP in socket programming in PHP

I'm using PHP to write a using socket library application. How could I get the IP of the client? THanks for any help ...

Is it possible to log HTTP connections within an iPhone application?

I'd like to develop an application that can listen for unencrypted sensitive information (info similar to the data leading to a class action filed against Storm8) across one or more iPhone/iThouch applications. I've been unable to find any info on whether or not this would be possible. Is it possible to log HTTP (including get/post an...

How can I get the name of the current (WLAN) network in C#?

Hello, could someone help me by getting the name of the current connected (WLAN) network in C#? Or, in addition how can I see if this network changed? Thank you! ...

Detect network disconnection in WAS servlet?

I have a servlet running in WAS, which provides the csv file downloading for the Java client implemented based on Apache HttpClient. One feature of the servlet is to know whether the client has been downloaded successfully. The main problem here is to detect the connection states. Through testing I found that in some situations...

android network block by cancelling

I use an httpconnection to post some data to the server and wait for response. The connection can be canceled by closing the inputstream, outputstream and connection. But if I cancel the connection at a right timing, then though the is, os, connnection are closed, but the worker thread just hand there, for about one minute. And then a ...

How To Connect iPhone To Mac Over Local Area Network?

Hi, I'd like to write an app that has the ability to sync an iPhone with a Mac over a local area network (wireless or otherwise). It's sort of like what Pastebot Sync does: Basically, I'll have to write two programs. One for the iPhone and another for the Mac. These two programs will have to b...

Preserving 'ls' output format over network

I have 2 machines A and B. I wish to have the output from B printed in a terminal on A. I run the following in a loop on A: nc -l -p 65000 On B, all output is tee'd to /dev/tcp/A/65000 This works most of the time, but output from programs such as 'ls' lose their colour and tab formatting. Is there any way to get this to work, such ...

How to query specific adapters in Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface?

Hi all, The title says it all - how can I query specific adapters (ideally based on the IP address) from Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface? I've spent a while googling this issue, but I didn't come up with a solution. I tried using Win32_NetworkAdapter and Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration, however, I cannot link these to ...

feature not supported [8004100c] when querying MSNdis_80211_Configuration using WMI on localhost

Hi, I need to (des)activate network card so that there's no wired ("secured") and wireless wifi,3g active connections at the same time. So, I need to tell apart which connexions is wireless and which is wired. I see no obvious way to do it querying the Win32_NetworkAdapter. Plus there a lot of (?)virtual(?) devices I really don't care ...

What part does hardware compression play in network apps

For a long time I've assumed that when I send data down the wire, it'll be compressed for me, as NICs have supported hardware compression for decades. Recent testing however has shown this to be a naive view, so have started implementing software compression in my apps and services. My question therefor is, to what extent can we as sof...

Client to client through firewall

Hello all, A broad question. We have a client application that currently talks to a web service to exchange data between two clients. The first client stores data on the service and other clients poll the service to collect it at some later time. We are looking to change this infrastructure a little in that clients will Connect() to t...

exception: Connection refused: connect.

Hi all, I am trying to connect a client (which is behind the company's proxy) to a server (JBoss AS 5.0) which is hosting an application (JavaFX). And I am facing the following error. exception: Connection refused: connect. Connection refused: connect at Metho...

How to get current connection state ? (network cable plugged or not ?)

I need to get current connection state. I found: System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged event but how can I get current network state ? ...

How to get Network Interface Card names in Python?

Hi there! I am totally new to python programming so please be patient with me. Is there anyway to get the names of the NIC cards in the machine etc. eth0, lo? If so how do you do it? I have researched but so far I have only found codes to get IP addresses and MAC addresses only such as import socket socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostn...

Network drive access through remoteapp and remote desktop connection

Hi All, I have a C++ application that uses GetDriveType() API to retrieve the drive type for the selected drive (list of drives populated in the combo box). I'm using 3 Windows Server 2008 R2 machines e.g. A,B,C. My C++ application runs on machine A. Also on machine A, I have created a network drive mapped to a drive of machine B. Whe...

2 DNS servers on 2 adapters - How can I determine order or preference?

When VPN is enabled 2 adapters have a DNS server, the VPN and the normal NIC. Most apps use the VPN adapters DSN (nslookup, browsers, etc., verified with packet capture). But one flash app/site uses the NIC DNS server, which is not what I want to happen. Any suggestions on what I can do to troubleshoot this? How can I dig into the logi...

Data Alignment with network programming

I'm a little confused regarding data alignment. On x86, we typically take alignment for granted. However, I'm programming on a system that is very strict and will error out if I try to access unaligned data. Heres my problem: First, I'm going to show you some structs I have: struct sniff_ethernet { u_char ether_dhost[6]; /* Destinat...

iphone wireless connection, connectivity fails after turning wireless off/on again

i have a pretty basic iphone app, makes some web calls with: NSData *response = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:nil error:nil]; In testing, if I stop the app, turn off wireless, and restart the app (not kill and restart, just bring to foreground), I continue to get errors on any network url attempts. ...