
Virtual Network Connection

I can see that lot's of programs like openvpn and Teamviewer for their VPN Connection creat a virtual network connection on windows. I want to create one for myself for testing purposes. Is it possible to create one programmatically or so? ...

Using Observer pattern over a network for board game

I am looking to make a networked board game based on Risk in C++. My idea was to have a central server which hosts a game lobby where users can connect and make/join games. The Observer pattern seems attractive in this case, since I could host all the game model/logic on the server, and the clients would just be observers to this and dis...

Is there a library that can perform packet analysis and block certain packets from being sent?

I found Jpcap, however it only meets half my requirements - it does not allow me to block packets, as stated in the FAQ. I would prefer a cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) solution, but if one does not exist, OS-specific solutions would be acceptable. My goal is to, under certain conditions, block access to certain Internet and netwo...

Blackberry - MDS cache and timeout configuration

For normal HTTP connections does the MDS waits till the complete request is finished (collects all data) and sends the data afterward to the client? When I make an http connection to a server containing a file of around 5mb, I have to wait for a considerable amount of time before I get the response. Sometimes the connection also times ou...

Sharing proxy server connection over Wi-Fi on Mac OS X/Linux?

I have a subscription to a paid HTTP proxy service, which requires login and password to be used. I want to use this service with my iPhone, but unfortunately the device cannot pass the authentication stage. However, both my Mac OS X powered laptop and Debian box have the ability to successfully connect trough the paid proxy. Is it possi...

Pinging all subnets of a wireless network

I'm trying to satiate my curiosity by doing a small network reachability test. I want to try to ping all subnets of a wireless network at my school from the subnet that I am connected to. So, suppose the network has 4 subnets (a,b,c,d) and I am connected to 'a', I want to try to ping at least 1 computer in subnets 'b','c', and 'd'. Once ...

Broadcast socket

How I can see from shell what socket options are set? In particular I'm interesting to know if SO_BROADCAST is set? ...

A clean, lightweight alternative to Python's twisted?

A (long) while ago I wrote a web-spider that I multithreaded to enable concurrent requests to occur at the same time. That was in my Python youth, in the days before I knew about the GIL and the associated woes it creates for multithreaded code (IE, most of the time, its not really multithreaded!)... I'd like to rework this code to mak...

Set timeout for winsock recvfrom

I'm trying to set up a blocking socket to timeout after 16 ms of trying to recvfrom() on a port. Platform is Windows. I've looked at tons of examples online and it seems really simple I just can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated! #include <winsock2.h> #include <string> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") #defin...

Outgoing load balancer

I have a big threaded feed retrieval script in python. My question is, how can I load balance outgoing requests so that I don't hit any one host too often? This is a big problem for feedburner, since a large percentage of sites proxy their RSS through feedburner and to further complicate matters many sites will alias a subdomain on the...

How can I find all locally bound IP addresses in Java?

I would like to have all locally bound IP addresses, basically an array of I know I can call InetAddress.getAllByName() with the host name, but I was wondering if there is a more direct way that doesn't involve DNS and/or knowledge of the host name. ...

Fastest socket method for a lot of data between a lot of files

I'm building a socket application that need to shuffle a lot of small/medium sized files, something like 5-100kb sized files to a lot of different clients (sort of like a web server, but still not quite). Should I just go with the standard poll/epoll (linux) or async sockets in winsock (win32), or are there any methods with even more pe...

Simple way to simulate a slow network in python.

Scenario. I have a client with two network connections to a server. One connection uses a mobile phone, and the other is using a wlan connection. The way that I have solved this is by having the server listen at two ports. But, the mobile connection should be slower than the wlan connection. The data that is sent, is usually just a lin...

Java DNS cache viewer

Is there a way to view/dump DNS cached used by api? ...

TCP Connection Seems to Receive Incomplete Data

I've setup a simple TCP file transfer. Everything appears to work OK, except for the received file size is sporadically a smaller size than the file that was sent. There doesn't appear to be any pattern to the size of the received file. (in the code below, note that the typical client/server rolls are reversed) My client code is like...

use of tftp server in booting sequence of router

after post process in booting sequence of router if no valid configuration file exists in NVRAM, the operating system searches for an available TFTP server. my question is where this tftp server lies...and also want to know all the concepts regarding the use of tftp server in this booting process??? ...

Standard and Interesting Books for IT & Engineering

Hello all, I am a Computer Engineer, fresh off graduation, and I would like to educate myself on a broad range of technological fields and aspects. I am the kind of person who is easily distracted while reading from a screen, and so I would like to ask fellow daniweb members about the best books for computer related topics. I consider my...

Simple TCP networking with C#

Is there a simple way to send objects between applications using C#? The objects will not always be the same, there would be (for example) a "Request" and "Response" class and each side of the connection would have a sort of switch statement which decides which object has been received. Is there a simple way to achieve something like th...

Rails and beyond

I feel like I'm an intermediate-advanced Rails programmer. I've written some small client apps. However, I feel like I'm missing something. I don't really understand HTTP; what a web server is; how networking works; what Mongrel is beyond just "script/server". Are there any good books to explain what HTTP is and other stuff I'm missing o...

The difficulty in designing a FIN scanning program

I want to implement a Linux C program to do the following task: it uses FIN scanning to scan all the open ports of a host. Here's a short description for the FIN scanning(skip if you already know it):Wikipedia: FIN scanning In FIN scanning, an open port will not respond in any form, while closed port will send back a RST packet. And ev...