
Activate a VPN on iPhone programmatically

Hi all, is there a way to activate an existing VPN on the iPhone from a native program? The VPN connection is configured in Settings, but requires a password; both flashing a system password prompt and providing a password parameter (from my own UI) would be fine. Thanks in advance. ...

Discover computers on local network with specific open port using .NET

I need to "discover" local computers running my windows WCF service, so I can talk to them. Right now you have to enter manually the ipaddress:port combination, but I would like to have a (web?) application that monitors the machines running the service and reports on it. When I try to connect to an invalid ip/port it takes "forever" t...

Dataexchange between C# Server (Not Webserver) and PHP

Hello, i have a continously running Serverprogram (C#/.NET 2.0 on Linux with mono) and i want to connect to it from a PHP Script to display status informations on a WebSite. The purpose is to create a (sort-of) Realtime Browsergame (No Flash, no Silverlight) and i want to use the PHP Script to get the necessary informations from the C# ...

Tortoise SVN "Can't read from connection error"

I have installed SVN server and try to access it using Tortoise SVN client. During the checkout/update process I randomly get an error "Can't read from connection. An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host". Some files are loaded (but sometimes not from the first time). I have googled a lot of similar problems, but h...

How can I access a networked drive via the Web?

We have around 2000 staff. Each has a shared drive to store some of their files. This shared drive points to a central location on our network. Example: John's F: drive -> \\ournetwork\john.doe Jane's F: drive -> \\ournetwork\jane.doe Each user will have a folder within the root "ournetwork" labeled with their username. I do not ha...

MAC address to IP Address on Same LAN in C#

Is there a way to find mapping between MAC address to IP address in C#. i think RARP should be able to do that, is there an API available in C# for that ...

How to create Java socket that is localhost only?

Hi, I have a Java server that opens up a socket using ServerSocket (using Thrift with it). This server has a client on the local machine in Obj-c that communicates with the Java server. Everything happens on localhost. Right now the java server is visible on the network as well, I would like the java server to only be accessible on loca...

[C - fdopen] Possible Bug - Associating a stream with a FD that already has one associated with it?

Howdy. I am in a networking class and we are creating our own "networking API" using the socket functions we have learned in class thus far. For the assignment the professor provided the already complete chat and server programs and we were to fill in a blank .c file that had an associated header file that described the function calls i...

Equivalent information from GetAdaptersAddresses() in Windows 2000 (WIN2KSP4)?

I have a C++ (VS2005) application that makes use of GetAdaptersAddresses() on Windows XP and I need to provide most of the same information from IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES with regards to IPv4 (I don't need IPv6) in Windows 2000 (WIN2KSP4). (The IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000 is not an option) Please remember when looking at MSDN, ...

Whats wrong with this code

Hi, im just starting to learn about sockets and i have been given this code, and i have to make the port lookup logic work. But the problem is i keep getting this run time error and I dont know why? // portlookup.cpp // Given a service name, this program displays the corresponding port number. #include <iostream> #pragma comment(lib, "...

Cross platform Networking API

I was wondering if there was an API to do networking that would work on Windows, Mac and Linux. I would like to make a card game that 2 people can play through a tcp connection. Thanks ...

problem setting up SCTP client-server in linux

Hi, I'm trying to get SCTP to work. I wrote a simple client and server and tested it with localhost( as server). it works perfectly, the server bind a port , listen and accept a socket and the client connect to the server and send it a message. When I set up my sctp server in a remote server(eg. , the client get...


Midi networking OS X 10.6 / Bonjour sample code? ...

Java API: Connect using proxies on different threads.

I would like to use different proxies instead of just one. Currently the ProxySelector sets a system wide proxy for all URLConnections. Does anyone know of a library that supports non system-wide proxies. Just something as simple as adding the appropriate proxy http headers/socks layers? ...

Using Mysql blocking API with Boost::asio

I am building a aync single threaded server that receives data from clients. It processes the data and then saves it to the MySQL Database. The problem is that, MySQL C API does not support non-blocking calls and asio mainly does not like blocking calls. So I am thinking something like Python Twisted's deferToThread() like semantics. I...

Filtering Internet Requests on Windows OS

I am interested in writing a parental control filter that can be used to monitor and/or redirect all outbound internet requests on a Window desktop OS (Vista or higher). I'd like the filter itself to have unrestricted internet access so it can access a web service on the internet during application/browser requests. For approved traffi...

Python NTLM proxy authentication problem using python-ntlm

I'm trying to use urllib2 and python-ntlm to fetch an url behind and NTLM-authenticated proxy (although it should also suppoprt Basic and Digest authentication), and I'm getting a 407 HTTP error. The code is: import urlib2 from ntlm import HTTPNtlmAuthHandler from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse user = { 'id' : '...

Apache/PHP processes hanging while interacting with MySQL

Hi all, We're seeing some strange behaviour and we're not sure if it's a problem with apache, php, mysql or the OS, so over to the big brains of stackoverflow! We have Apache and mod_php talking to a mysql5 server. Sometimes, a process will choose to hang, trying to read from a file descriptor. Firing up strace one on of them (all han...

How to produce struct addrinfo from struct sockaddr?

I have a struct sockaddr and need to make a struct addrinfo (specifically that, because that's what some other API wants). The IP address may be IPv4 or IPv6. What's the best way to handle that? ...

FileUpload... noob

I'm trying to use the FileUpload control in ASP.NET Here's my current namespace setup: using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; And within my class, I'm just ...