
How do you learn deeply about newer technologies that don't have a well-established book?

Recently I've wanted to learn about Solr, the web front-end for Lucene. I went so far as to purchase the only existing book solely about Lucene (Lucene in Action, by Manning Press) but it barely had a word on Solr. So there I am, trying to do a proof-of-concept implementation for a professional project, and I'm reading source-code, m...

What new technologies should I learn for Web Development?

I want to increase my skills in web development. I have already picked up a book on JQuery and Entity Framework. Is their anything else I should read up on? ...

Do you always use the same technologies/frameworks?

When given a new task/challenge/application to build, do you always use the same framework, for example spring / struts? Or do you try something new that you haven't used before, such as GWT? What makes you return to the same technology stack? Is it good to be advanced at particular technologies, or to have a broad understanding? ...

How can one convince a team to use a new technology (LinQ, MVC, etc )?

Obviously, it's easier to do with some developers, but I'm sure many of us are on teams that prefer the status quo. You know the type. You see some benefit in a piece of new technology and they prefer the tried and true methods. Try, for example, DBA/C# programmer the advantages of using LinQ ( not necessarily LinQ to SQL, just LinQ in...

Do you really use the newest technologies at your work?

I've got a warning that this question might be subjective and is likely to be closed, but I'm giving it a shot. My question is whether you, as a programmer, really use all the newest technologies and methodologies? Be it TDD, agile, new design patterns, newest iterations of technologies (.NET, WPF, Java, etc.). I read about them all o...