
How to create a selfdefined table-environment with the caption at the end of the table with LaTeX?

I have a custom table-environment defined with \newenvironment. I have a caption in this environment, but I want to have it at the end. My environment looks (a little simplified) like this: \newenvironment{mytable}[2]{\begin{table}[hbtp]\caption{#1}\label{#1}\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{#2}}{\end{tabular}\end{center}\end{table}} I w...

latex newenvironment label

I have the following newenvironment command: \newcounter{algoctr}[chapter] \setcounter{algoctr}{0} \newenvironment{algo}[1] { \refstepcounter{algoctr}\vspace{0.2cm}\noindent{\bf Algorithm \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{algoctr}: #1}}{\par} and I use it thusly \begin{algo}{blabbing a blah} blah blah \label{eq:blabbing} \end{algo} Howeve...

Problem with creating a newenvironment in LaTeX

I am trying to implement this new environment in LaTeX: \newenvironment{javacode}[2] {\begin{lstlisting}[language=java, label=#1, caption=#2]} {\end{lstlisting}} And then use it like such: \begin{javacode}{c}{some code} int x = 5; \end{javacode} But I am getting the following error: Overfull \hbox (6.0pt too wide) in paragraph at ...

\newcommand / \newenvironment - optional parameters

I'm experimenting with my own commands and environments and now I'm facing those problems: How to create command \foo{parameter}[optional] or environment called \begin{bar}{parameter}[optional]? How to create command \foo[optional_1]...[optional_n]{parameter} I've tried \newcommand{\foo}[3][][]{#1#2#3} - failed \newcommand{\foo}[...