
Changing newid() to newsequentialid() on an existing table

Hi, At the moment we have a number of tables that are using newid() on the primary key. This is causing large amounts of fragmentation. So I would like to change the column to use newsequentialid() instead. I imagine that the existing data will remain quite fragmented but the new data will be less fragmented. This would imply that I sho...

Should a Sequential Guid primary key column be a clustered index?

The goal of using a sequential guid is so you can use clustered indexes without the high levels of fragmentation that would normally exist in a clustered index if it was a regular guid, correct? ...

How to import data with SSIS for sequential guids?

Is there anyway to import data into SSIS where I expect the PKs to be sequential guids? The only method I've been able to come up with so far is to create a temporary table with the column defaulting to newsequentialid() loading the data in there then copying it to the correct table. This isn't very elegant and is somewhat time consumin...


I am adding a new GUID/Uniqueidentifier column to my table. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD VersionNumber UNIQUEIDENTIFIER UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWSEQUENTIALID() GO And when ever a record is updated in the table, I would want to update this column "VersionNumber". So I create a new trigger CREATE TRIGGER [DBO].[TR_TABLE_NAMWE] ON [DBO]...

Get SQL Insert to work when PK is supplied or NOT.

Hi All I have the following stored procedure: ALTER Procedure dbo.APPL_ServerEnvironmentInsert ( @ServerEnvironmentName varchar(50), @ServerEnvironmentDescription varchar(1000), @UserCreatedId uniqueidentifier, @ServerEnvironmentId uniqueidentifier OUTPUT ) WITH RECOMPILE AS -- Stores the ServerEnvironmentId. DE...

Help to Simplify SQL Insert which uses NEWSEQUNETIALID() column default

Hi All I have the following insert stored procedure: CREATE Procedure dbo.APPL_ServerEnvironmentInsert ( @ServerEnvironmentName varchar(50), @ServerEnvironmentDescription varchar(1000), @UserCreatedId uniqueidentifier, @ServerEnvironmentId uniqueidentifier OUTPUT ) WITH RECOMPILE AS -- Stores the ServerEnvironmentId...