
How to search across a directory of files in vim?

A common programming task for me in vim is: :s/some pattern/ do some work n # finds the next entry do some work n # finds the next entry ... Now, s/.... only searches in the current file. Is there a way I can do this, but search across a directory of files? Say do "s/..../" over all files in subdirectoires of pwd that ends in *.hpp of...

PHP RegEx: How to Stripe Whitespace Between Two Strings

I have been trying to write a regex that will remove whitespace following a semicolon (';') when it is between both an open and close curly brace ('{','}'). I've gotten somewhere but haven't been able to pull it off. Here what I've got: <?php $output = '@import url("/home/style/nav.css"); body{color:#777; background:#222 url("/home/st...

What should every ASP.Net programmer know ?

How does one be called a ninja ASP.Net programmer? What set of tools and immediate knowledge(Without having to open MSDN, SO, or Google) should be known to be considered a master? Webforms or MVC... ...

Remove decimal from ordered <ol> list via CSS?

I assume the answer is "no," but I thought I'd throw the question out there to all you CSS ninjas, since it has cropped up before, and when you're digging through code that involves a whole team, the happiest answer isn't always "well, just rework the code." Given an ordered list: <ol> <li>...</li> <li>...</li> <li>...</li>...