Hi All,
I'm trying to use the NDFD (National Digital Forecast Database) to get current temperature and relative humidity given a Lat and Long using their REST based service.
The issue at hand:
I can't match the 'current observation data' WITH the 'results' I get back from the REST-service.
The setup:
* Apple (1-infinite lo...
Can anyone help me see why NSXMLParser is not causing these methods
to fire for the part of the following data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schema...
Does anybody know any web service to get weather forecast data for Spain (Europe)?
I´ve tried with NOAA web service, but it only covers EEUU.
I am trying to use the NOAA API for current weather conditions observations and don't know if there is an enumerated list of all the possible weather conditions that they can generate.
As an example if I use Yahoo's API (using a woeid near Apples Headquarters as an example) with the URl: