
Post order traversal of binary tree without recursion

Hello fellow coders, Does anyone know the algorithm for doing a post order traversal of a binary tree WITHOUT using recursion. Any information would be greatly appreciated. ...

List of Current Folder files ONLY?

Hello I'm trying to get Perforce syntax to obtain (for example using "fstat") list of files only in given folder (depot), without rubbish from all sub-folders. But I was not able to find anything in the docs, nothing related when using Google, even experimenting with ".", ".../." etc. lead me to nowhere... Is that because it's not possi...

Help me understand Inorder Traversal without using recursion

I am able to understand preorder traversal without using recursion, but I'm having a hard time with inorder traversal. I just don't seem to get it, perhaps, because I haven't understood the inner working of recursion. This is what I've tried so far: def traverseInorder(node): lifo = Lifo() lifo.push(node) while True: ...

Maven: trying to get my submodule's poms to NOT inherit a plugin in the parent

My project has a parent pom and several submodule poms. I've put a plugin in the parent that is responsible for building our installer distributables (using install4j). It doesn't make sense to have this plugin run on the submodules, so I've put false in the plugin's config, as seen below. The problem is, when I run mvn clean install ins...

a non recursive approach to the problem of generating combinations at fault

Hi, I wanted a non recursive approach to the problem of generating combination of certain set of characters or numbers. So, given a subset k of numbers n, generate all the possible combination n!/k!(n-k)! The recursive method would give a combination, given the previous one combination. A non recursive method would generate a combin...