
"Normalize" procedure in C#

Could someone explain to me what the normalization procedure for 3D surface mesh in C# is? In a reference book, there is a line as follows : The GetNormalize method is used to map the region of your surface into a region of [-1, 1], which gives you a better view on your screen. ...

SSIS Data Migration: Split Flat table into Parent + Child/Grandchild tables

Hello, I need to migrate data in a large flat table located in SQL Server 2005 into a new SQL Server 2005 schema that consists of a parent table and multiple child tables. This seems like the opposite of a merge or merge join in SSIS but I don't understand how I would go about accomplishing this. Any recommendations are greatly apprec...

Should I make another table or just use arrays? (To normalize or not to normalize)

The current situation is that topics are sorted by 3 main categories. There is the potential to add more than just the 3 categories but the higher ups wish to implement the ability to add more than just 1 category to a topic. My original db design has the the categoryID as a Foreign Key in the topic info table. Which was probably a ...

Should I split this table into two?

I am trying to wrap my head around database normalization. This is my first time trying to create a working database so please forgive me for my ignorance. I am trying to create an automated grad Check system for a class project. The following table keeps track of all options for a major for a set number of catalog years. The table is...

How do you know when an SQL database needs more normalization?

Is it when you're trying to get data and there is no apparent easy way of doing it? When you find something should be a table on it's own? What are the laws? ...

ER Diagram (Drawing)

For a relational database that represents the current term enrollment at a large university, what is the ER diagram for a schema that takes into account all the assertions given: • 100 instructors, 200 courses, and 800 students. • An instructor may teach one or more courses in a given term (average is 2.0 courses). • An instructor mus...

Should I use an inline varchar(max) column or store it in a separate table?

I want to create a table in MS SQL Server 2005 to record details of certain system operations. As you can see from the table design below, every column apart from Details is is non nullable. CREATE TABLE [Log] ( [LogID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ActionID] [int] NOT NULL, [SystemID] [int] NOT NULL, [UserID] [int] NOT NULL, [LoggedOn...

Generic database logging system: Storing a reference to another database.table.column

My question is, how can I link a reference stored in the Log table to a piece of data in another database? We're building a system (Called Fusion) that will perform certain key tasks for all our other systems, one of these is a logging. The idea is that any other system will be able to use Fusion to log specific operation. CREATE TAB...

3NF Database Normalization

There is a report table for overdue DVD rentals. The store has multiple copies of the same DVD (they are all numbered to be identified). How can I normalize this data to meet 3NF requirements? ...

Explaining why "Just add another column to the DB" is a bad idea, to non programmers.

I have sales people and bean counters who are trying to sell customizations to clients, which is fine. But when a complex change request comes in that I send back a large estimate for, they get confused. Often they come back at me with "Why can't you just add another column?" which by another, they mean a dozen or so custom columns PER...

Users asking for denormalized database

I am in the early stages of developing a database-driven system and the largest part of the system revolves around an inheritance type of relationship. There is a parent entity with about 10 columns and there will be about 10 child entities inheriting from the parent. Each child entity will have about 10 columns. I thought it made sense ...

Is this good XML?

Hi all, I'm working for a client who's been using this XML structure for his website's content: <section title="title1" layoutType="VideoViewer" xmlPath="xml/ita/title1.xml" pageTitle="extended title" previewImg=""/> <section title="another title" layoutType="TimeLine" xmlPath="xml/ita/timeline.xml" textFile="" pageTitle="extended tit...

Is it OK not to use a Primary Key When I don't Need one

If I don't need a primary key should I not add one to the database? ...

De-normalization for the sake of reports - Good or Bad?

What are the pros/cons of de-normalizing an enterprise application database because it will make writing reports easier? Pro - designing reports in SSRS will probably be "easier" since no joins will be necessary. Con - developing/maintaining the app to handle de-normalized data will become more difficult due to duplication of data and ...

Convert row with columns of data into column with multiple rows in Excel 2007

I have a row of data as follows: header1 header2 header3 header4 header5 row key datavalue1 datavalue2 datavalue3 datavalue4 datavalue5.... so basically, I have a denormalized data set where the datavalues may or may not be empty on a row-by-row basis. I need to normalize them. ie 1234567...

MySQL practical normalisation on large single table

I'm relatively new to PHP MySQL and have tasked myself on learning with the "hands on" approach. Luckily, I currently have a (very) large database all relating to coin data with one table to work with. It currently has the following columns (each row representing a single item [coin]): Group ItemNo ListNo TypeCode DenomCode PeriodCode A...

Alter table vs new table with foreign keys

I have a existing database that needs some changes done. I need to decide whether to alter a table to record the extra data or use the existing table that already records that data for a separate test and link it to the other table with new table. Existing: tSubTest(ixSubTest (pk), ixTest (fk)) tPressureVolume( ixPressureVolume (pk), i...

Sorting by unknown column type in mysql

So I've got a users table; storing things like username, email, etc. I then have a user_settings table. Instead of standard columns like timestamp_logged_in, profile_views, etc., I have it organized as key/value combo. For example, the columns are: user_settings_ID user_ID name value A sample record would be: 82 2 'timestamp_logged_in'...

Grails: Many-to-Many without hasMany/belongsTo - instead using native 3NF - Searching full text

I am implementing a many-to-many mapping in grails using 3NF, Not using the hasMany or belongsTo property. Taken from this article it shows and explains quite a lot about its advantages. Article: Presentation notes: I'...

Example of a database table design with a questionable repeating group

I am having a discussion with someone about the following table that is used to link client-specific items: Table LINK: Client (int) Item1 (int) Item2 (int) This is the disputed design. All three fields refer to other tables. The two Item fields refer to the same other table. These are not real field names, so don't bother with ...