
Is there any NoSQL that is ACID compliant?

Is there any NoSQL that is ACID compliant? (Or is that even possible with NoSQL given it's just a bunch of loosely coupled key-value pairs.) ...

Pintura OR Perserve 2.0 - Production Ready?

I'm very interested in this framework, coupled with a NoSQL backend like MongoDB. Basically, my blue-sky vision is this: ExtJS/Pintura/MongoDB. I would probably plug in Rhino as the js engine. Is there anybody here using Pintura in a production environment? What are the pitfalls? What is your general experience? Thanks. ...

nosql modeling : howto (digg as an example) ?

Hello, I am trying to grasp this nosql thing since it sounds good for scalability. I have read the Digg is now using CassandraDB. Can you help me understand how a digg-like model can be structured efficiently ? where are the users where are the articles where are the notations .. Thanks Jerome ...

Difference between graph database: Neo4j & AllegroGraph

Hi All, What is the difference between this 2 graph DB: Neo4j and AllegroGraph? Which is better for JAVA Web programming? Thanks Erwin ...

In Cassandra terminology, what is TimeUUID?

In Cassandra terminology, what is TimeUUID and when is it used? ...

Searches (and general querying) with HBase and/or Cassandra (best practices?)

I have User model object with quite few fields (properties, if you wish) in it. Say "firstname", "lastname", "city" and "year-of-birth". Each user also gets "unique id". I want to be able to search by them. How do I do that properly? How to do that at all? My understanding (will work for pretty much any key-value storage -- first goes ...

Question about Non-Relational Databases (NoSQL)

Although I've not yet used any of the new NoSQL databases I've tried to keep myself informed by reading Wikipedia articles, blogs and the peeking into some of the NoSQL DBs documentation. I've just (re)read the August 2009 edition of php|architect, specifically the article about the Non-Relation Databases and a few questions popped up i...

When NOT to use Cassandra?

There has been a lot of talk related to Cassandra lately. Twitter, Digg, Facebook, etc all use it. When does it make sense to: use Cassandra, not use Cassandra, and use a RDMS instead of Cassandra. ...

Is there is something like stored procedures in NOSQL databases?

I am new to NOSQL world and still comparing between nosql and sql databases, I Just tried making few samples using mongodb. I am asking about stored procedures when we send few parameters to one stored procedure and this procedure execute number of other stored procedures in the database, will get data from stored procedures and send ...

Revisions: algorithm and data structure

Hi, I need ideas for structuring and processing data with revisions. For example, I have a database of objects (e.g. cars). Each object has a number of properties, which can be arbitrary, so there's no a set schema to describe these objects. These objects are probably saved as key-value pairs. Now I need to change property of an object....

Schema-less design guidelines for Google App Engine Datastore and other NoSQL DBs

Coming from a relational database background, as I'm sure many others are, I'm looking for some solid guidelines for setting up / designing my datastore on Google App Engine. Are there any good rules of thumb people have for setting up these kinds of schema-less data stores? I understand some of the basics such as denormalizing since y...

(Non-Relational) DBMS Design Resource

Hey guys, As a personal project, I'm looking to build a rudimentary DBMS. I've read the relevant sections in Elmasri & Navathe (5ed), but could use a more focused text- something a bit more practical and detail-oriented, with real-world recommendations- as E&N only went so deep. The rub is that I want to play with novel non-relational ...

how to merge Tokyo Cabinet hash-table db's (.tch files) (no duplicate keys)

Is this possible? I couldn't find an answer anywhere. Basically I'm looking at a setup where I have multiple workers (boxes) which must all store there data into a Tokyo Cabinet index/db eventually (I'm using Tokyto Tyrant over the memcached protocol abtw. not that it matters but still) Basically, I tried pushing the data directly t...

NoSQL DB for .Net document-based database (ECM)

I'm halfway through coding a basic multi-tenant SaaS ECM solution. Each client has it's own instance of the database / datastore, but the .Net app is single instance. The documents are pretty much read only (i.e. an image archive of tiffs or PDFs) I've used MSSQL so far, but then started thinking this might be viable in a NoSQL DB (e.g....

Retrieve documents from CouchDB based on unique field

How can I retrieve document from CouchDB based on its field, not by ID? The problem is, documents in my system should have numeric IDs, so I add a field called doc_id to saved documents. Native CouchDB ids are too long for me. How can I retrieve document with doc_id = 10, for example? ...

Complex Query on cassandra

I have heard on cassandra database engine few days ago and searching for a good documentation on it. after studying on cassandra I got cassandra is more scalable than other data engine. I also read on Amazon SimpleDB but as SimpleDB has a limitation 10GB/table and Google Datastore is slower than Amazon SimpleDB, I prefer not to use them ...

NoSql and Data-Warehouse

What are the relations between NoSql and Data-Warehouse technologies/theories? What concepts they share? What are the basic differences between them? How do you think each could be benefits/enriches from the other? I think your ideas should be helpful for the future of both technologies. ...

Hadoop Map/Reduce - simple use example to do the following...

I have MySQL database, where I store the following BLOB (which contains JSON object) and ID (for this JSON object). JSON object contains a lot of different information. Say, "city:Los Angeles" and "state:California". There are about 500k of such records for now, but they are growing. And each JSON object is quite big. My goal is to do ...

Is an ORM redundant with a NoSQL API?

Hello, with MongoDB (and I assume other NoSQL database APIs worth their salt) the ways of querying the database are much more simplistic than SQL. There is no tedious SQL queries to generate and such. For instance take this from mongodb-csharp: using MongoDB.Driver; Mongo db = new Mongo(); db.Connect(); //Connect to localhost on the d...

Best document format for addressbook in CouchDB

Hi guys. I really tried, tried so hard but i cant understand couchdb :( I must record the contact of several people, should i put every contact in a single document ? "1th documet" { "names" : [ Jake", "Lock" ] "numbers" : [ "Jake's number", "Lock's number" ] } Future records: "1th documet" { "names" : [ Jake", "Lock", "K...