
Copying Files Using NSBasic/CE 7.0

I'm using NSBasic/CE 7.0 and I'm needing to copy a file, but I don't know how to copy using this program, but at the time I already have this: AddObject "cecomdlg.commondialog.1", "ComSvDlg", 0, 0, 0, 0 Sub saveDialog() ComSvDlg.CancelError = 0 ComSvDlg.DialogTitle = "Copy" ComSvDlg.Filter = "All Files|*.*" ComSvDlg.ShowSave ...

Convert String To Integer And Vice-Versa

I'm building a calculator application, and I have a Form, with a TextBox called txtVisor, that has the property NumbersOnly = true. I want to get the content of it(that I already know: txtVisor.Text) and convert it into a Integer, to do multiply it by 12, then convert the result into a String to set the txtVisor.Text as the result of the...

Do Something When MsgBox Is Closed

I'm making a program in NS BASIC/CE that shows the user a warning, but when the user closes the MsgBox(clicking in OK), I want that the application executes AfterWarn Sub. How I can do this? ...