
NSButton, binding question

Hi all, I am trying a cocoa application with core-data. The application contains an entity: UsefulUrl with attribute: url. The entered urls are displayed in table view. I am able to insert, modify and delete the entered urls from table via cocoa bindings (NSArrayController). Now, I want to open the urls of selected rows in bro...

How to handle assertion failure on NSButton lockFocus when using modalWindow on quit?

a button's IBAction in windowA calls runModalForWindow:windowB. windowB becomes key and modal. windowB has a popUpWindowDatePicker which calls stopModal upon display, and then popUpWindowDatePicker becomes key, and windowB resigns key and is not modal. no window is modal at this point. when popUpWindowDatePicker is dismissed, its didR...

multiple results of enter in an NSWindow

I have a multi-line textField in a window. I need the user to be able to hit return in the textfield for its normal purpose. I have a normal text field, that if the user hits return, I want it to just accept the text I also have an OKButton, that, if you're not in a textfield, i want return to do the OK button. Currently, wherever I a...

Separate clickable part inside NSButton.

Hi, I have this idea of having some kind of "badges" in my app. They should be clickable, have an image and a label. That's the easy part. But I also want them to have this little help button in the upper right corner which is also clickable. The help button should just be an image and should of course also be clickable. What would be t...

Having context menu for NSButton created dynamically

I am creating NSButton dynamically in the cocoa application which is fine. However once the application launches, I want to perform right click on the NSButton created or would like to have context menu for the NSBUtton. How to achieve this? ...

NSButton raising click event on mouseup

Hello, I am looking for an NSButton raising the click event on mouseup, even if the mouse down has been made outside the button. Do you have any idea to get this behavior? Thanks! ...

Highlighting only image over button when it is clicked

Hi all, Right now when I set an image over a button and make it border-less and try to click it, it always shows a rectangular portion highlighted along with the image, which is the actual dimension of button clicked. My requirement is: I want to highlight only the image over it, not the whole rectangular portion. Can anyone suggest m...

calling action obtained from button

Hi all, I have following requirements: Obtain action associated with NSButton using : - (SEL)action Call the obtained action. Can we perform 2nd pt. Generally we invoke an action like this- [self abc:nil] just thinking if we can invoke the method obtained from 2nd pt. in same way! Thanks, Miraaj ...

Disable/Enable NSButton if NSTextfield is empty or not

Hello! I´m newbie with cocoa. I have a button and a textField in my app. I want the button disabled when the textfield is empty and enabled when the user type something. Any point to start? Any "magic" binding in Interface Builder? Thanks [EDITED] I´ve tried to set the appDelegate as the NSTextfield´s delegate and added this method ...

NSButton with variable size width, rounded corners

What is the best way to create an NSButton with a custom background image, that is able to have variable width, without making the corner bezel look stretched? I know there are convenience methods to do this with UIButton: http://jainmarket.blogspot.com/2009/04/create-uibuttonbutton-with-images.html but I haven't seen anything similar i...

Borderless NSButton turns gray when clicked.

I am making a little application with three NSButtons with an image set. These buttons have no border nor background. However, when I click a button it turns into a gray rectangle. How can I fix this? Thanks. ...

Dragging from and to NSButton

I am trying to write an app. that will allow the user to drag from an NSButton to another. When dropped I would like the Title to be dropped onto the button. I cannot find a way to make NSButton draggable. Is it possible? ...

How to get the sender's name of an NSButton

I have several NSButtons that are attached to a single IBAction. I need to differentiate inside the method between the different buttons. I tried the following, but it doesn't work: for (int i = 0; i++; i < 7) { if (sender == [NSString stringWithFormat:@"button%i", i+1]) { NSLog(@"sender is button %i", i+1); } } H...