
NSDateFormatter issue

I just referred to the Q & A at iOS reference for NSDateFormatter. Link: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa2010/qa1480.html Here is my problem I get a string from a webservice which is of this format: "dd-mm-yyyy xx:xx:xx AM" My actual purpose is just to use the date and not the time at all. But I just use the same format ...

Formatting seconds into hh:ii:ss

I have app that is a basic timer. It tracks the number of seconds the app has run. I want to convert it so the seconds (NSUInteger) are displayed like: 00:00:12 hh:mm:ss. So I've read this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1528822/nsnumber-of-seconds-to-hours-minutes-seconds From which I wrote this code: NSDate *date = [NSDate ...