
NSImageView empty in WebKit plugin

I'm writing a webkit plugin that downloads an image and prints it.I have verified that the correct data is downloaded and the NSImage has the correct dimensions. Unfortunately, the NSImageView containing the image doesn't display anything, neither in the document sent to the printer nor a window containing the view as it's content view's...

Objective C - NSImageView, NSImage, NSBitmapImage rep object lifecycle?

I've built a video viewer that is a Safari plugin that displays video from networked devices. The viewer reads bitmap images, prepares them, and sets them on the NSImageView object as follows: NSBitmapImage *bmImg = [[NSBitmapImage alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes: . . .] NSImage *img = [[NSImage alloc] init]; [img addRepresentation:bmI...

Changing an NSImage in XCode - this line of code not working

I am having a problem that is eating me alive. I really hope I am just missing something small here. It appears to be a rather "n00b" issue. I have a blank NSImageView that I want to display a picture when a button is pressed — simple as that. Here is my line of coding NSBundle *mb = [NSBundle mainBundle]; NSString *fp = [mb pathForRe...

Translating clicked NSPoint in NSImageView to correct pixel coordinates in the underlying NSBitmapImageRep

Here is what I'm trying to accomplish: I'm working on an open source TI calculator emulator where I'm currently trying to add skin support. The skin image is just an NSImageView with its image set to the skin image. I override the mouseDown: method and get the location of the mouse in the NSImageView coordinates using convertPointFromBas...

Animation of NSImage gets lost after archiving it with NSKeyedArchiver

Following situation: I have an instance of my NSObject sublcassed object. One of it's properties is a NSImage. After instanciating the object I convert it with NSKeyedArchiver to data, send it over the network, unarchive it with NSKeyedUnarchiver and display the image in a NSImageView (setAnimates: YES). Until here there are no problems...

Rotating NSView that holds an NSImageView

Hi All, I am creating an NSView, which in its drawRect method creates and adds an NSImageView as a subview. I would like to rotate this NSImageView (circleView), or [self]. So in another method, I am trying to do that: -(void)startAnimation { CABasicAnimation* spinAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation...

Reduced image size in NSScrollView

I'm trying to load an image into my NSImageView/NSScrollView and display it at actual size, but the image mysteriously ends up getting displayed at about half-size. I thought at first it might be being reduced to fit into some kind of constraints of the frame etc., but soon realised this couldn't be right because if I physically enlarge ...

How can my code get notified when the user pastes or drags an image into NSImageView?

I have an instance of NSImageView. I have told InterfaceBuilder to allow the user to paste or drag an image into this view. This works. However, I don't see a way in the NSImageView or related documentation to get notified when this actually happens. I was expecting a delegate or some such, but I have been unable to find it. Any ideas? ...

Core Animation not working on Leopard, working on Snow Leopard

Hi, I animate NSImageViews using its animator proxy. While testing my application on Snow Leopard, everything works as expected. However, on Leopard, none of the animations are functioning. In addition, NSImageViews don't seem to take into effect the alphaValue I set on them, whether through the animator proxy or not. The only way I...

NSImage from website URL

Hello, I need to create an NSImage from a url and then set it to an image view in my application. I tried some code I found online but it didn't work. If anyone knows how to do this any help would be great. Thanks ...

How to put overlay NSImageView and keep it at the top of a WebView?

How to put overlay view (NSImageView) and keep it at the top in front of a WebView ( which runs core animation or )? Standard ordering in interface builder does not help.. imageview is shown in front of the webview but when i load the contents of webview with a tag or only just an html opacity animation, suddently webview takeovers t...

How can I animate a content switch in an NSImageView?

I want to switch the image shown in an NSImageView, but I want to animate that change. I've tried various methods to do this. Hopefully one of you could suggest one that might actually work. I'm working with Cocoa for Mac. ...

Changing the value of an NSImageView when it is edited via the control

Hello, I have an NSImageView which is set to editable. I would like to be able to revert to a default image when the user deletes the image. I've tried changing the value that the NSImageView is bound to in the setter, but the getter is not called afterwards, so the NSImageView is blank, despite the bound value being set to another imag...

Cocoa - subviews not showing after being added

Im trying to add some subviews to a container (container is a NSView derived class, and subviews are some NSImageView objects). Since the code is messy right now due to trying different stuff, i wont paste it all for the time being. This is the part where i add the subviews: NSImage *tileImage; tileImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithCont...

How do I detect if a drag operation was cancelled using NSDraggingInfo or similar?

I've created a subclass of NSImageView and implemented the informal protocol for dragging images between other instances of the same class. I am keeping a reference to the image of the view prior to the dragging operation and am able to set it back to said image given certain criteria. However, I can't seem to detect if the dragging ope...

Cropped rectangle doesn't work as expected

I have an NSView to draw a rectangle to crop image, and one NSImageView to be webcam (camera preview window). I want to put the NSView on the NSImageView. When I take a picture, it can produce a cropped image automatically. The problem is that when I don't start the camera preview window, the crop rectangle can drag and resize normall...

Help with XCode

I am totally new to XCode, and I need a little bit of help... I've created a cocoa project, and then opened the main.xib file in "Interface Builder". From Interface Builder, I added an NSImageView object, and set the image to a gif file inside my resources folder in the project. I need to know how exactly I can program the application...

Cocoa NSImage full view question

I am trying to automatically load an image full screen after the application is launched but it looks just a little bit funky. The outside edge of the image view can be seen - how do I eliminate that? My code looks like this: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification { NSImage *imageFromBundle = [NSIma...