
Why do I get a leak when using CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy?

I am creating a deep mutable copy of a dictionary but for some reason am getting a leak. I've tried this: NSMutableDictionary *mutableCopy = (NSMutableDictionary *)CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, sectionedDictionaryByFirstLetter, kCFPropertyListMutableContainers); self.copyOfSectionedDictionaryByFirstLetter = mutableCo...

Objective-c = NSMutableDictionary, Profile & Score recording

Hi! i've been trying to make a system in which i can record the scores of a game, linked with the profile of the player being used. I am not using any on-line leaderboard system (yet), at present I just need to have a score system at its basics. I have managed to make it that the method I am using obtains the score and the profile be...

Remove all objects after index 20 in NSMutableDictionary?

Hi! I have an NSMutableDictionary that possibly contains more than twenty objects. If it contains more than 20 objects, how should I remove the oldest entries until there is only 20 left? For example, NSMutableDictionary with objects: a = "-1640531535"; b = 1013904226; c = "-626627309"; d = 2027808452; e = 387276917; f = "-1253254618"...

how to write NSMutableDictionary into Plist

hello all, can any one help me with this how to write a NSMutableDictionary into a plist.... thanks in advance.. ...

Adding Strings and Images to NSDictionary using NSXMLParser

I'm using NSXMLParser to parse a small XML file containing information about videos. One of the elements in the XML is a URL that points to a thumbnail image associated with each video. I'm trying to parse the XML, get the ImageURL and then use this to fetch the image and store it along with strings such as the video name. I just can't ...