I'm currently using NSRunAlertPanel to display a dialog.
It works perfectly in Leopard and Snow Leopard. In Tiger, it also works except for the icon.
In Leopard and Snow Leopard, the icon I used for the App is displayed on the left side of the strings. This is the expected behavior.
However, in Tiger, there is a big margin on the left...
I'm trying to put together a simple error reporting package. If my main program crashes, it saves a crashlog, then starts a reporter program. The reporter program asks the user if it can send the crash log to me, then does so. I'm using NSRunAlertPanel to create a basic message box.
For some reason, that message box is showing up buried...
Here is the code:
float charlieSoundVolume;
charlieSoundVolume = [charlieSoundLevel floatValue];
NSRunAlertPanel(@"CHARLIE",charlieSoundVolume, @"", @"", @"Ok");
This gives me the error:
incompatible types for argument 2 of 'NSRunAlertPanel'
Will NSRunAlertPanel not accept floats?
Any ideas??