
How to parse an ISO-8601 duration in Objective C?

I'm looking for an easy way to parse a string that contains an ISO-8601 duration in Objective C. The result should be something usable like a NSTimeInterval. An example of an ISO-8601 duration: P1DT13H24M17S, which means 1 day, 13 hours, 24 minutes and 17 seconds. ...

How do I break down an NSTimeInterval into year, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds on iPhone?

I have a time interval that spans years and I want all the time components from year down to seconds. My first thought is to integer divide the time interval by seconds in a year, subtract that from a running total of seconds, divide that by seconds in a month, subtract that from the running total and so on. That just seems convoluted ...

How to Get time difference in iPhone.

I have 2 arrays with time values in it. They are in the following format. mm:ss:hundreds of a sec. I want to get the difference between the two [lastObjects] in the arrays. NSDate is not working because the last value is in hundredsth of a sec. A question. If the second date is larger than the first will it give me a negative numb...

Number of weeks in month

I have the following code: NSDate *dateNow = [[NSDate alloc] init]; NSTimeInterval timeDifference = [usersDate timeIntervalSinceDate:dateNow]; // Get the system calendar NSCalendar *sysCalendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar]; // Create the NSDates NSDate *date1 = [[NSDate alloc] init]; NSDate *date2 = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterv...

converting NSString to precise number for performSelector: afterDelay:

I am communicating with a webservice to retrieve a numerical value that comes into my function as an NSString. This number tells me the precise amount of time to wait until I perform another action, and it is critical that it be precise. As an example, if the string is "89283", then this means I must wait 89.283 seconds. So I'd like...

Application expiration using NSTimeInterval

How would I set this method to display the alert panel 30 days from the initial launch of the application? -(void)awakeFromNib { NSDate * today = [NSDate date]; NSTimeInterval expiry = (); if ([today timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] > expiry){ NSRunAlertPanel(@"Trial period has ended", @"Please Register", nil, nil, nil); NSLog(@"e...

What's the optimum way of storing an NSDate in NSUserDefaults?

There's two ways of storing an NSDate in NSUserDefaults that I've come across. Option 1 - setObject:forKey: // Set NSDate *myDate = [NSDate date]; [[NSUserDefaults sharedUserDefaults] setObject:myDate forKey:@"myDateKey"]; // Get NSDate *myDate = (NSDate *)[[NSUserDefaults sharedUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"myDateKey"]; Option 2 - t...

NSTimeInterval memory leak

Hi everyone I have a weird memory leak with NSTimeIntervall and NSDate. Here is my code: NSTimeInterval interval = 60*60*[[[Config alloc] getCacheLifetime] integerValue]; NSDate *maxCacheAge = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-interval]; if ([date compare:maxCacheAge] == NSOrderedDescending) { return YES; } else { ...

What is the proper way to convert a NSTimeInterval to a string, that works internationally?

I know the quick and dirty way of dividing by 60 to get minute, hours, etc But is there an official way in the API already implemented, and using the appropriate language for minutes, seconds, etc? Thanks for any help. ...

Get EXEC_BAD_ACCESS when I get the NSFileModificationDate

Hi everyone, I try to get the last modification date of a file: NSFileManager *fm = [[NSFileManager alloc] init]; NSError *err; NSDate *lastModif = [[fm attributesOfItemAtPath:filename error:&err] objectForKey:NSFileModificationDate];//filename is ok ;-) if(err == nil) { [lastModif retain]; //I can put a NSLog of lastModif here...

Type casting in objective-c

Hi all, Is there any way how can i convert a nstimeinterval type value to a string type in xcode? Thanks in advance Joy ...

how can we count the time interval of the animation in cocos2d ?

Hi, I am doing my program in cocos2d. I am using NSDate to get the current time of the start of animation. And I know my animation takes 3 seconds. So I can get the time at completion of animation by using NSInterval and using the previous time and animation time. But, if If the animation time interval is not fixed how can I calculate t...

NSTimer timestamp timeinterval question

I have the following code: [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target:self selector:@selector(timerCount:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; -(void)timerCount:(NSTimer *)timer { NSTimeInterval dt = [timer timeInterval]; // do something } The NSTimeInterval I got will be 0.5, the time interval I've put on scheduledTimerWithI...

How to make UIButton work like Launcher in SpringBoard, when pressed for long timeinterval

In my ViewController I am using UIButton which triggers some action when touchedUpInside. Upto here no problem, but i also want to add another action for touchDown event. More precisely i dont have an idea how to add that action to which event, that will work the same as when App-Icon is pressed longer in springboard which causes springb...

Converting a constantly changing scalar value to a changing interval or frequency

Although I'm coding in Objective C, this is more of a general programming question. What is the best way to convert a constantly changing scalar value to a changing interval or frequency? Right now every time the scalar value changes I am destroying the NSInterval ie [self.myTimer invalidate]; self.myTimer = nil; and creating...

How to pass NSTimeInterval object to detachNewThreadSelector withObject parameter?

I'm still new to Objective C syntax, so I might be overcomplicating this, but I can't seem to figure out how to pass an NSTimeInterval to a thread. I want to initiate a thread that sleeps for x seconds parameter sent from main thread as follows: [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(StartServerSynchThread) toTarget:self withObje...

How do I convert an NSInteger to an NSTimeInterval

how to convert NSInteger to NSTimeInterval? ...

how to convert int to NSTimeInteravl in Objective-C?

Hello, Please do tel me how to convert int to NSTimeInterval? Thank You. ...

how to encode/decode of type NSTimeInterval?

Hello, How do i encode and decode NSTimeInterval? when i do it in this way... NSTimeInterval refreshInterval; [coder encodeObject:refreshInterval forKey:@"refreshinterval"]; it throws an error saying , incompatible type How to solve this problem? or the correspoinding thing is to convert NSTimeInterval to int and vice-verse.. but...

i should able to delay 2 sec using nstimer how to do it?

i want to produce the delay of 2 sec using nstimer how to initialise timer in program?.... ...