
What are the ramifications of null bytes and multipart/form-data?

A third party is sending us a flat file that is supposed to contain exclusively printable ASCII characters. However, we've discovered that there's a string of about 50 0x00 bytes in the middle of the file. We want to be able to upload the file to our web application, but I've discovered that Django doesn't seem to like the null chara...

How to create C++ istringstream from a char array with null(0) characters?

I have a char array which contains null characters at random locations. I tried to create an iStringStream using this array (encodedData_arr) as below, I use this iStringStream to insert binary data(imagedata of Iplimage) to a MySQL database blob field(using MySQL Connector/C++'s setBlob(istream *is) ) it only stores the characters upt...

How can I match a null byte (0x00) in the Visual Studio binary editor with a find using a regular expression?

Open a file in the Visual Studio binary editor that contains a null byte (0x00), then use the Quick Find feature (Ctrl +F) to find null bytes. I would have thought I could use a regular expression such as \x00 to match null bytes but it doesn't work. Searching for any other hex value using this method works fine. Is this a VS bug, 'fea...

Why does this C++ program print irrelevant characters?

Hey i am new to programming in C++, and i get the hang of it but i got stuck on this one simple problem i am suppose to create a shift cipher using the letters A-Z and shifting them 3 places, i get everything but when i do my output i get extra letters that are unneeded like "|[|" i know i have to put a terminator and i did but doesn't s...

SQLite strings with NUL

Can strings in SQLite 3 include NUL characters? If the answer to 1 is "yes", how can they be written in SQL queries? SQLite doesn't seem to have chr or char functions. ...