
Finding locations in machine code (gcc/objdump -d)

If you have a particular line of C code in mind to examine in the machine output, how would you locate it in objdump output. Here is an example if (cond) foo; bar(); and I want to see if bar was inlined as I'd like. Or would you use some alternative tool instead of objdump? ...

Assembly code vs Machine code vs Object code?

What is the difference between object code, machine code and assembly code? Can you give a visual example of their difference? ...

How can I examine contents of a data section of an ELF file on Linux?

I've been using objdump to look at assembly code in Linux ELF binaries. Sometimes there is an indirect jump through a jump table that is stored in the rodata (read-only data) section. I have tried Google and SO, but I must be wearing my stupid hat, because I cannot figure out how to get objdump or any other tool to show me the contents...

Difference between Machine code and Object Code

I'm in the middle of my a levels and im doing some revision for my Computing exam. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the difference is between machine code and object code. keep it it simple please. ...