I am looking to learn Linq to query MS SQL databases, but am unsure of which path to take. I read recently that Linq to SQL is being rolled into Entity Framework, and development has maybe stagnated.
Is it worth learning Linq to SQL still? Or should I be focusing on Entity Framework or another Object Relational Model like Ideablade's De...
I want to do something like this
create type Item as object (
id number,
subitems table of ref Item
but oracle throws an exception when I try to do it. Is this possible, and if yes then how?
Does anyone know a good reference to look into what Object Relational features are available in SQL Server (any version)? I found a really good summery for Oracle but all I can find for SQL Server is information about LINQ to SQL, which is good stuff, but I'm looking for more power in the database like defined types, nested tables, etc. ...
I am trying to create some hierarchical data using Oracles object relation features.
I have defined a "Post" as follows:
create type Post as object (title varchar(20), body varchar(2000),
author varchar(200), parent REF Post,
create tabl...
I have a table with a schema of Table(number, ref, ref, varchar2, varchar2,...).
How would I insert a row of data into this table?
When I do:
insert into table
values (1, select ref(p), ref(d), '239 F.3d 1343', '35 USC § 283', ...
from plaintiff p, defendant d
where p.name='name1' and d.name='name2');
I get ...
Is there any ORM that offers APIs to be used programatically?
In my situation, a user will be helped through a wizard to define some entities. Thereafter those entites will be created in a database in form of tables (there will of course be some improvization).
I need an ORM that offers APIs for modeling and creating entities during ap...
I've got a homework assignment that requires that I use Oracle 10g Express to implement an Object Relational database to track phone billing data. I have a superclass of Communications with subclasses of Call, Text, and Data. I'm hitting a snag with properly populating these tables so that I can find the appropriate data in the various...
I am using Java EE 6. Just want to throw it out there first
Here is the relationship. A customer can have multiple facility
Here is Customer Class
public class Customer {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private String name;
I've just come across the Star Schema for Report-Aggregation. The first Question that came to my mind is whether or not Doctrine ORM supports such denormalized Tables. As I've seen ist, there are a feww kinky behaiviours in dealing with relations, a Model could not completely know.
Any ideas? Is it possible?
I'm curious as to what the major pros/cons are of using an object relational database over a regular relational database are?
In what circumstances is it more practical, and are object relational databases the future?