
how to model value object relationships?

context: I have an entity Book. A book can have one or more Descriptions. Descriptions are value objects. problem: A description can be more specific than another description. Eg if a description contains the content of the book and how the cover looks it is more specific than a description that only discusses how the cover looks. I don...

JPA - Entity design problem

I am developing a Java Desktop Application and using JPA for persistence. I have a problem mentioned below: I have two entities: Country City Country has the following attribute: CountryName (PK) City has the following attribute: CityName Now as there can be two cities with same name in two different countries, the primaryKe...

CakePHP - Custom hasOne Object Association - Using a Join Table instead of in-table foreign keys?

In CakePHP, I'm trying to build a $hasOne relationship, but I can't add a foreign key to the tables (for legacy reasons). Is there any way I can create a join table (object1_object2) and link them together like this? I want to leverage Cake's powerful object relationship functionality, so if there's a way I can make this custom associa...