
connect two ObjectDataSources

I need to connect two ObjectDataSource tags. First will have a query string parameter and the second has a parameter, which is one of the fields in the result set of the first one. The relationship is one-to-one, so I can't put second one in a grid and use control parameter <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="OrderObjectDataSource" runat="server"...

Storing array of integer values in SQL Server

Hi, i want to store an array of integer values in a SQL database table (SQLServer 2005), if possible by using a single column. The integer array will have a length of 7560 values. I am using a objectdatasource, the datatype should be compatible with the generated parameters of a tableadapter. thanks for helping :) ...

What is the best practice when you have read-only properties and cannot use the objectdatasource?

I have started a web forms project using nHibernate and objectdatasources; however, I've learned that there are some limitations that I understand but do not know to handle. These limitations include 1) objectdatasources require parameterless constructors and 2) properties of the business object cannot be read-only. The problem I'm havi...