
Using "ocamlfind" to make the OCaml compiler and toplevel find (project specific) libraries

Hello, I'm trying to use ocamlfind with both the OCaml compiler and toplevel. From what I understood, I need to place the required libraries in the _tags file at the root of my project, so that the ocamlfind tool will take care of loading them - allowing me to open them in my modules like so : open Sdl open Sdlvideo open Str Currentl...

Compiling C lib and OCaml exe using it, all using ocamlfind

I'm trying to work out how to use ocamlfind to compile a C library and an OCaml executable using that C library. I put together a set of rather silly example files. % cat sillystubs.c #include <stdio.h> #include <caml/mlvalues.h> #include <caml/memory.h> #include <caml/alloc.h> #include <caml/custom.h> value caml_silly_silly( value u...