
Is "else if" one whole or two separate keywords in Java?

I happen to read the practicing material for SCJP certification, and I just tripped over a chapter of flow control et al, where they give the impression that "else if" is a keyword on its own. I have always thought that it was just a normal else, containing nothing but an if block, braces omitted. So, which is it? Edit: I'd like to em...

NSURL analog to CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathComponent?

Playing with URLs, more specifically building them incrementally from other, discovered URLs. In doing so, I'd like to stay using NSURL objects instead of manipulating NSStrings, just to gain the added sanity checks and url-specific methods from the URL class. Unfortunately, it seems that there is no way to get the following to join to...

Programmatically execute vim commands?

I'm interested in setting up a TDD environment for developing Vim scripts and rc files. As a simple example, say I want to have vim insert 8 spaces when I press the tab key. I would set up a script that did the following: Launch vim using a sandboxed .vimrc file press i press tab press esc press :w test_out assert that test_out contain...

UILabel shadow from custom cell selected color

Hi everyone! So this is my problem: I'm loading a custom nib file to customize the cells of a UITableView. The custom nib has a UILabel that is referenced from the main view by tag. I would like to know if it is possible to change the shadow color of the UILabel when the cell is selected to a different color so it doesn't look like in t...