
OCMock for iPhone (iOS4, XCode 3.2.3)

I have the last version of OCMock (1.55) and XCode 3.2.3. I have created a test bundle target in my project. What is the best way to use OCMock in my tests? When I add OCMock.framework to the test bundle, this build error appears: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_OCMockObject", referenced from: objc-class-ref-to-OCMockObject in NotificationTests.o ...

Test rig exited abnormally with code 134 with OCMock verify on iOS 4

I'm trying to add OCMock to my iOS 4 project. To test it out, I have a class Person with one method, -hello. When I run this test: - (void) testMock { id mock = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[Person class]]; [[mock expect] hello]; [mock hello]; [mock verify]; } Everything is fine, and the build succeeds. If I take away ...

How to unit-test an internet protocol implementation?

I decided to add unit tests to my project and continue development in a test-driven kind of way. I’m currently working on implementing unit tests for my ManageSieve client object and I’m not sure what’s the best way to test that beast. My SieveClient object relies on two other objects for the network communication: CocoaAsyncSocket and ...