
CString : What does (TCHAR*)(this + 1) mean?

In the CString header file (be it Microsoft's or Open Foundation Classes - http://www.koders.com/cpp/fid035C2F57DD64DBF54840B7C00EA7105DFDAA0EBD.aspx#L77 ), there is the following code snippet struct CStringData { long nRefs; int nDataLength; int nAllocLength; TCHAR* data() { return (TCHAR*)(&this[1]); }; ... }; ...

How to implement Open Flash Chart 2 on Symfony

I'm trying to use Open Flash Chart 2 on my symfony project by including the ofc2 library on one of my controller's action. Unfortunately it doesn't work. When i call the action it prints nothing :'( There is a plugin for this, but it uses an outdated version of OFC. Anyone have had any success showing Open Flash Chart 2 on their s...

Open Flash Chart - tooltip #x_label# not showing.

Hi there, I'm currently playing with a bar chart implemented through Open Flash Charts (I believe version 1, might be version 2...) with PHP. Unfortunately, we're having real trouble with the tooltip not showing the correct thing. I am trying to get it to show the x-axis label for the hovered-over column, then a ":", then the value of t...