
Sql Server 2008 geography LineString size limitations

hi there, today i ran into a possible size limitation of geography type Linestrings within Sql Server 2008. when i create a Linestring with STGeomFromText that contains 567 points containing Long,Lat and Z coordinates, everything works fine. However, if i add one more point to the linestring i get an ArgumentException 24200: The speci...

Is the map-Parameter of the UMN-mapserver conform to the OGC WMS-specification?

Say you have a mapserver-url like this: http://host/cgi-bin/mapserv?MAP=/path/to/mapfile.map& Is a WMS specified in this way conform to the OGC WMS-specification? Some say the map-parameter is a vendor-specific parameter, but you also could see it as part of the URL-prefix for this service (ending with ? or & as specified, it's an &...

Distance Algorithm used in SQL2008 for Geography Data Types

I am wanting to know what Algorithm SQL2008 uses when computing distance on Geography Data Types. There are several such Algorithms as the Haversine and Vincenty, however I have found no references for what SQL2008 is actaully using. ...