
VIM: c#_< with ":browse oldfiles"?

The manual hints about the "c#_<" in the context of oldfiles. You can find the point in the help with ":h viminfo-file-marks" and scrolling down. What does the manual mean with c#_< or _< n ? What are the symbols? CTRL, #, _ and number? How do you use the marks-viminfo-oldfiles-c#_ ...

Tracking old uploaded files on a web server - How do you know what isn't used anymore?

Users can upload files to the server, which are stored effectively forever. I want to know if anyone has an idea for tracking orphan files. A few of my ideas involve logging every upload, but then the files are usually referenced in html which isn't easy to track. Files can sit unused but still be referenced. I could do a fuill text ...

Visual Studio using old files

I opened Visual Studio, and received around 100 errors on trying to compile. Things including 'variableName is not identified', even in functions defined in the header file where the variable is...And right-click go to definition shows it correctly; using old copies of my files, meaning there were compile errors where templates had been ...