
The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.

I spent last two days trying to solve this error The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine no luck!!! :( i am running windows xp sp2 please help me i am ..,..., frustrated!! thanks ...

whats the fastest way to insert streaming data into a table, DB is MS SQL server 2008

Hi! I've to write a c++ application that receives a huge data stream( many thousands of messages per second) and insert it into a MS sql server2008 db (into one or more tables) as fast as possible. I'm new to windows, and amongst so many ways described in msdn, I'm not able to judge the best way to do this, for example: 1. should I use ...

Using Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER

I'm using OleDb to read from an excel workbook with many sheets. I need to read the sheet names, but I need them in the order they are defined in the spreadsheet; so If I have a file that looks like this; |_____|_____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| |_____|_____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| |_____|_____|____|____|____|____|...

How do you get a list of MS Access data types?

Hello! I am trying to list data types from Microsoft Access 2000-2007 (depending on the MS Access database version) in a combobox for a C# program. How can I achieve such a thing? ...

What is the difference between ODBC and OleDB?

I found this question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/271504/oledb-v-s-odbc Which gave me more information, but did not really answer the question I'm asking, so I shall proceed from there. I am working in C#. I'll spare you the long story about how I arrived at this conundrum, but basically I'm trying to decide between ODBC ...

Very slow connection to SQL Server 2005 only if using ADO.NET with SqlClient

I have a brand new server with Windows 2008 Server 64 bit + SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition SP3. When I try to open a connection to this server from a client in the same domain (Windows XP, .Net 3.5), it takes around 20 seconds to open the connection. After opening the connection, everything is fast as usual. When using a MDAC 2.8 co...

Which is locale-aware: OleDb.Currency or OleDb.Decimal?

This is two-fold. I have an Access database and a table containing MS Access Currency fields. My customers in the USA use decimal values like 1.23 and my customers in Ecuador use decimal values like 1,23. I have some ADO legacy code and I've tried creating ADODB Parameters with type adDecimal and also with type adCurrency. In either ...

Linked SQL Server database giving "inconsistent metadata" error

I am currently running a third-party software suite, which uses SQL Server as its database. I have a second instance of SQL Server running in a different location, and some apps that I am building in that instance SQL Server needs to access some data in the third-party software. So, I created an ODBC connection between the boxes, and s...

Parse xls file in email

I am trying to parse an excel file from an email without using an oledb driver or mssql! The client i am working with is using server 2003 x64 and ms sql express 2005. I cannot run IIS in x86 because this would break the exchange owa. I also cannot create a sql job to take in the xls file and spit out a csv because it is an express editi...

How are OLE DB connection strings mapped to DLLs?

How does the OleDbConnection constructor know what provider DLL (I assume it's a DLL) to call for a given provider name in the connection string? For example, in the following code... string cnStr = "Provider=Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider.2;Server Name=etc..."; OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(cnStr); How does OleDbConnection know w...

"The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine"...DNN

I'm trying to get a new DotNetNuke site up and running on our 64-bit server, and I'm encountering the following error message: "The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine" I know from experience that you run into this when you target a 64-bit assembly on a 64-bit machine (there is no 64 bit OLE-DB pro...

how to query a folder structure (files, directories)

I need to query folder structure. In other words I need to be able to access directory structure by SQL. I'm thinking of that there should be some OLE DB provider or some ODBC driver for that purpose. My friend said to google "folder monitoring" but I can't find anything Now I'm doing in command prompt dir>somefile and importing resulte...

Importing csv file to datatable returns no results

This method does not throw an exception, neither does it return the rows from the csv file it reads into the DataTable. I am at a loss for what I am doing incorrectly. Any help is much appreciated. public string ImportCsvFile(string filePath) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(filePath); //string connString = "Provider...

What's wrong with these parameters?

I have an Access file with 7 fields: DocID - text - primary SourceID - text ReceivedDay - Date/Time Summary - text DueDay - Date/Time Person - text Status - Yes/No Now I want to update this file with the following code: const string ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\\DocMan.mdb;Persist ...

OLE DB Release Configuration Problem

When I compile my C# WPF project in release configuration mode with Visual Studio 2008 and run the project on my computer I have no problem at all. If I move the Release directory onto another computer (that does not have Visual Studio) everything seems to work except OLE DB. This is probably because the other computer does not have what...

OLEDB comparison problem nvarchar against ntext (SQLServer 2005)

I have table Tbl1( SomeName nvarchar(64) ) Over OLEDB I'm trying to select SELECT 1 FROM Tbl1 WHERE SomeName = ? binding 3 character unicode as parameter causes: DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND(0x80040E14L) "The data types nvarchar and ntext are incompatible in the equal to operator" I have already tried following input bindings: 1) ... cu...

C# Excel file OLEDB read HTML IMPORT

Hi, I have to automate something for the finance dpt. I've got an Excel file which I want to read using OleDb: string connectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=A_File.xls;Extended Properties=""HTML Import;IMEX=1;"""; using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection()) { using (DbCommand command = con...

What are valid SQL functions for OLEDB provider for querying a text file?

Does anyone know of any documentation out there that lays out what SQL functions are supported for the .NET Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider when querying a text file? For instance, the TRIM() function. However, there doesn't appear to be a CASE function like in SQL Server. ...

LoaderLock error when connecting to Oracle in .NET OLE DB connection

I have an OLE DB connection in VB.NET that I am trying to use to connect to an Oracle database. However, I get the following error on the con.Open() line: LoaderLock was detected Attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attempt to run managed code inside a DllMain or image initialization function since doing so can ca...

How do I add a row to a database with ASP.NET OLEDB?

I'm kind of new to ASP.NET and using OLEDB. I'm trying to add a row to a table in an ACCESS database. The code first reads how many rows a user already has and if they're not over the limit, it allows them to submit a new row. I've set up a dataset and that seems to be fine. The problem is when I try to update the new row back into the d...