
Use OleDbDataAdapter to insert into an Access db.

I would like to insert some data into an Access Database. DataTable dt = new DataTable(); String sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} where 1=0; ", tmap.SqlTableName); string con = string.Format(conn, accessPath); OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con); OleDbCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = new OleDbCommandBuilder(da); da.Ins...

using OleDbDataAdapter to insert/update a SQL 2008 table with a "time" column type

the project I'm working on uses the OleDb provider classes to connect to various databases. I have no choice in the matter. I have to update it so that it works with the new "time" column type in SQL 2008. My connection string is using "Provider=SQLNCLI10;"... and this seems to know about all the types except "time". Whereas the SqlC...

Npgsql: DataAdapter.fill hangs on call to Postgresql stored procedure

I'm working with a single NpgsqlConnection from 2 threads. Connection is protected via lock. All SQL commands are in fact calls to 3 different stored procedures, one procedure per call. The program runs whole day, 24 hours. At some point (not very often - like, several times a day) when another call is issued to one of these stored proc...

manipulate data before importing from excel to dataset

I have a couple of columns of data in an excel sheet which I have to import to my application. I do this using - string strConn; OleDbDataAdapter oledaExcelInfo; strConn = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = " + Server.MapPath(strSavePath + strRepFileName) + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1\""; oledaExcelI...