
What makes Ometa special?

Ometa is "a new object-oriented language for pattern matching." I've encountered pattern matching in languages like Oz tools to parse grammars like Lexx/Yacc or Pyparsing before. Despite looking at example code, reading discussions, and talking to a friend, I still am not able to get a real understanding of what makes Ometa special (or ...

How do I match a word with OMetaJS?

Hi, I've been trying to learn OMeta using OMeta/JS and I seem to be getting stuck on something that should be really straightforward. If I have a grammar ometa L <: Parser { l letter:l -> l } L.match('h', 'l') It produces the expected output h I can also use ometa W1 <: Parser { ls letter*:ls -> ls } W1.matchAll('hi', 'ls') ...