
Vim + OmniCppComplete: Completing on Class Members which are STL containers

Completion on class members which are STL containers is failing. Completion on local objects which are STL containers works fine. For example, given the following files: // foo.h #include <string> class foo { public: void set_str(const std::string &); std::string get_str_reverse( void ); private: std::string str; }; //...

Vim's omnicompletion fails with "from" imports in Python

Omnicompletion for Python seems to fail when there is a "from" import instead of a normal one. For example, if I have these two files: class Test: def method(self): pass from Test import Test class Test2: def __init__(self): self.x = Test() If I try to activate omnicompletion for self.x......

Vim omnicompletion for C#

I was wondering if there is any tool like OmniCppComplete for C# (method signature shown in the abbreviation is what I'm most interested in). I've searched everywhere with not avail. Update: I'll be editing mostly from a shell terminal so please refrain from suggesting GUI alternatives to Vim. ...